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Status Updates posted by Kysafen

  1. Awww, thanks, KingMarth64! *offers hug*

  2. Hey, did you read the email I sent you, or...?

  3. Why anyone would look at my profile. There are so many things you could do with your life. Go outside. Take a walk. Enjoy the brisk, cool and refreshing wind flash by your face, the soft beams of the sun warming your skin. Real life is far too interesting to explore every nook and cranny of the internet, and out of all the nooks and crannies, this is one of the least rewarding.

    1. Zanarkin


      Lol refreshing breeze... lol soft beams of sunlight. Its hell out there, hell!

    2. Kay


      So why did you take the time to write all that?

  4. P.S. Is this the correct way to respond to someone who posted in your profile or should I post in my profile to respond? I'm new here, so I'd like to make sure I'm responding correctly in the future.

  5. It was made at least a year ago, back when I actually yearned to make an FE hack, but now I'm either too lazy or busy now. It'd be interesting, though, to see how every chapter 1 of every Fire Emblem made would look on the GBA palette. Which leads to how impressed I am with Fire Emblem 4 Advance's progress. But I digress.

  6. To answer the comment you made in my profile, yes, it's map 1 of Fire Emblem Gaiden, or rather, it's supposed to be. I used the FE6 map palette and Mappy (or some other hacking tool) to make it. And again, it's so unprofessional; I really didn't do a good job with scaling so the map isn't precisely recreated, the wood flooring is out of place, and Christ, look at that wall n...

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