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Royco Cup-o-Soup

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Royco Cup-o-Soup's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hey, how come I didn't notice you earlier?

    Your ballchin is the subject of many legends.

  2. Thanks! New Mystery rocks!

  3. Man, thanks for getting the full soundtrack. Hardin's battle music and the prologue themes kick butt!
  4. Digging Warren's new portrait, thanks for ripping it!
  5. Last PT on normal mode: 5 Boyd 4 Astrid 3 Soren 2 Ike 1 Oscar
  6. This, it is maybe one the most epic reclasses and it was fun to use in the earlier chapters. Also second Roger as a Hunter...
  7. welcome to SF, hope you have a fun time on here :D

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