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Mordecai's Teeth

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Everything posted by Mordecai's Teeth

  1. *Throws tactical knife at solf's forehead* Hi phoenix! and lolz at the pokemon reference
  2. Zilpah put his hand out to be shaken, with a wide smile, " Nothing specifically, I haven't seen you in a well, I wanted to say hi!" He explains with squinted eyes.
  3. Zilpah walks up to the group in his usual feather-toed manner until he gets near Esphyr. "Esphyr?" Zilpah asked, his band was gone and his hair a little bit longer.
  4. I'm trying not to seem like I have a teleport ability, and to do this all i have to do is right how i meet with everyone right?
  5. @snike I'm not good at writing so I can't judge Time for me to get some shut eye.
  6. @snike sorry about that I plan one fixing that tomorrow.
  7. @Solf Arn't those reasons sorta out there?
  8. "So the group depends on you thats got to be alot of pressure." Zilpah exclaimed.
  9. "Greetings Tessa, I'm sure if you remember, but I'm Zilpah from the other day." Zilpah cautiously extends his hand for a hand shake.
  10. sorry I have a job to go to sometimes, and more than one person likes the internet in my house.
  11. I live in america but I put the wrong time zone setting (There we go I fixed it.)
  12. Tessa's bloodstains caught Zilpah's eye and he jumped back a little bit, he looks at Tessa, "Your the sharp-eyed one from the other day, I don't believe I got your name." Zilpah exclaimed. "Hmmm to heal the body... Physically or naturally?" Zilpah asked. Edit: more info
  13. "Sorry, I get really curious sometimes." Zilpah explained.
  14. "Then I'll refrain from asking about it...and uh where are we?" Zilpah asked
  15. "If you don't regret it had to be for a greater reason, something personal?" Zilpah Asked.
  16. "What happened there? You looked like a cat that got a bucket of hillbilly grease thrown on it." Zilpah exclaimed.
  17. "I can't quite understand you, but know that I'm trying to help..." Zilpah hands her an herb, and lets go of her face.
  18. Zilpah ran-up, "hey Esphyr are you ok? Something doesn't look right?" Zilpah questions as he grabs her face to check for injuries or signs of sickness.
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