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Mordecai's Teeth

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Everything posted by Mordecai's Teeth

  1. ZIlpah Class: shaman Item back-story-Silth's band: Belonged to a dear friend who he met some time ago, that allowed him to warp to someone he's met before., but it drains Hp, if used to much.
  2. "I've never met her...so it's impossible for me..." Zilpah explained. (I'm ganna go on the backstory page to put up Zilpah's back story, and to explain the teleport thing.)
  3. Zilpah follows Esphyr, " Sorry Esphyr I in a never ending quest for information I have to get it while it's hot, but I could help you now if you'd like." Zilpah explained.
  4. "Oops, sorry If I frightened you..." Zilpah apologized.
  5. "Hmmm, Esphyr what's going on?" Zilpah asked puzzled.
  6. Zilpah was puzzled, "I'm not sure weither I should thank or be confused..." Zilpah stated.
  7. Am, I allowed to start a dice roll attack at anytime?
  8. Zilpah winced from the pain."Even though you think I'm weak, I'm not dead yet! Now...I'll tell you again, STOP, and If you try again..." Zilpah pointed out.He knelt down from his leg injury.
  9. Zilpah's eyes widened,he quickly chants words as his places his hand near her stomach, the spell ends up blowing them both away from each other, he staggers up once more, and he hopes that anyone close to them wasn't hit. "I have no intention of dying here, not when what I seek is so close...Don't make me get serious.!" Zilpah pointed out. Edit: rephrase.
  10. Zilpah was already knelt on the ground from the previous attack, he saw the dagger and attempted to lean back and turned his face as he tried to dodge it, the dagger slit his left cheek and he fell to the ground, he staggered back to his feet. "I yield, you win." He said while putting his hands up in surrender.
  11. Zilpah quickly pulled out his tome and somersaulted over one dagger while one catches him right under his leg, and hit the ground, and chanted a few words and a dark blast erupted from his palm dashing toward Reika. (So there is no dice rolling?)
  12. "I like to observe my opponent." Zilpah responded. Zilpah looked toward Cess, "Perhaps we can trade information later, but for now I'm prepping for a battle." Zilpah offered. Edit: more dialogue.
  13. "I haven't gotten into a skirmish in a while so, I might be a little rusty..." Zilpah entered his battle stance. "You first." He beckoned. Edit; more dialogue.
  14. "The infinite possibility of the information that we might discover!" Zilpah bathed in bliss.
  15. Zilpah nearly hopped with glee, "Then it's settled I'll travel with you, I'll try not to be a burden!" ZIlpah exclaimed. Edit:correction
  16. Zilpah was startled by the ladies outburst, but it seems that's what his whole reason of this visit came down to Can I go with them? is what repeated in his mind over and over and all other sorts of variations of the question "I'll only go if I'm allowed to, I don't want to be a burden..." Zilpah explains. "May I?" Zilpah ask while looking at Esphyr.
  17. "Your a mercenary, your hired to fight, you've had to come across such a weapon sometime in your travels or you could have been paid to silence someone who possessed one, or I'm confusing you with an assassin, but non-the-less yesterday night those looks weren't for nothing!" ZIlpah stated.
  18. "Even though your mean't or paid to do so, you are a source of information just like everyone else here, everyone has secrets and everyone has seen things most people haven't and that very valuable source of information." Zilpah noted. Edit:more dialogue
  19. "Well...I'm not looking for work...and the information source I seek is right there..." Zilpah points toward Esphyr, cautiously.
  20. Zilpah cleared his throat, "Er...Um, no I'm not a fortune teller, I'm a traveling shaman that seeks knowledge and the hidden truths off the world, my name is Zilpah." he choked out.
  21. Zilpah started getting the chills ("oh no its happening again!"), Zilpah clutched his hands, "M-my name is..." Zilpah hesitated, ("I really don't want that to happen again!") He thought. Zilpah stared at the man nervously.Zilpah could barely focus on anything.
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