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Posts posted by Doga

  1. Pretty much the best swordsmaster in the game. Ends up on par with your other two (more or less) and you don't need to do any training. Getting him is a little out of the way, but considering the bulk of your party is promoting/on the verge of promotion when you get him, he won't eat up exp like an earlygame pre-promote would. He's fuckin' rad.


  2. Camtech, calm down buddy.

    I think the maps are swell, but that's because my limited experience in mapping a few years ago was not anywhere as good as this.

    Something about that sentence is weird.

    Nevermind, keep up the good work.

  3. its all he talks about cause thats the main topic of this....well fourm topic post he made.

    if you didn't like what he was saying then you could just never click on the topic again.

    to me it seems that alot of people are getting really made that afew people don't think a game they like has a good story, and if they have a different opinon then you, why let that make you mad? if they don't think like you do then you can choose to ignore thier opinion and continue to like FE7's story, noone importent in your life will insult you for liking it and people on a internet fourm really don't matter to anyone.

    if people on a internet fourm don't matter to anyone then why did i type this and am still here? cause i'm a huge hypocrit who doesn't take life on the internet seriously

    I wish it were that simple. I speak to Banzai by other means, and this has consumed conversation beyond Serenes.

    Also Ice disapproves.

  4. i know my good sir.

    god forbid humans disagree with eachother or give me an very amusing debate that leaves me questioning if i should like FE7's story or not.

    I wouldn't care so much about this debate if I could last two seconds talking to the guy without him bringing this up. It's all he talks about, man.


    Stop this nonsense at once. Play the games. I'm sick of this shit. The man who presents this 11,000 word essay, for what? He does it for you, Serenes; he has no one else with which to confide such information. He believes himself to be better than he is; he thinks his opinion is above the others, and seeks to conquer this land. Hold you ground, Serenes! No not allow this wretched General seize the day! His efforts shall be in vain if we so decide to halt this horrid debate. He spends and wastes his life. Let the man atone. Let him learn his lesson.

    Seriously, Banzai, I'm sick of this.

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