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Jack of all Trades FE

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Everything posted by Jack of all Trades FE

  1. The problem with this hack is, all the enemy units are nearly impossible to kill, while your units are the weakest characters ever. Colm is probably the best unit in the game ONLY because he can steal anything. Other than that, he's pretty awful. His only good stat is speed, and that's it. It's really gets easy once you get Colm, from that point on, it's pretty easy (for ghebfe, anyways) but the first three -four chapters are the worst. Gheb sucks majorly, tana has 14 hp when you get her, so anyone can one hit K.O. her, and that's basically everyone except for the trainees (Amelia, Ross, Ewan, Violet) who turn into good units eventually. Please.S., In the tower of valni, you can steal the bosses sword, which is super OP and can be sold for a ton of money, with this money, buy l. Swords, they're the best.
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