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Posts posted by TheReaper

  1. yahh i <333 Geitz. hes funny, cute and supports with karel..and a pretty decent fighter :D Though i;ve decided to make Geitz a bit different personality wise if he was in fe6 (is considering hacking him into it). he would be more rough and pissed off at life. since hes not found his own land yet. Used in his supports to contrast the adorable karel <3

  2. who needs sleep though!

    well yeah i might just end up making fire emblem: karel's story, all about him.. XD

    @ ALS, yeah it was call's eye and then angry hector for the other one because of how he was facing. but the eye is really small so its hard to work on i found.

  3. 2ymhse9.jpg newest mug, very simple but he ties in with the RP im doing

    his name is Narven, hes an assassin in service to the king who went missing 10years prior to the current story. He is presumed dead.


    random sprite i made, unfinished cus i ran outta ideas.

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