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About RUSH

  • Birthday 01/01/1991

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  • Interests
    Girls, basketball, video games, movies, music, alcohol, football.
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  2. Happy Birthday!!!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Anyway, I mean to reply in that math thread but its going to be a bit.

  5. Ann Arbor, yes. Well, when I'm not abroad at CERN that is.

  6. I'm guessing you go to michigan.

  7. It tends to posses these powers.

  8. Your cat pic made gave meh a case of de lols.

  9. Thats debatable. One set includes an infinite amount of steps with a cap, one includes an infinite amount of steps (granted farther apart) with no cap. Anyway The one about the .99 continuing has always bothered me. It goes against everything math is about, such as impracticality in favor of exact correctness. Never is that number going to round above the decimal without rounding. I know about fraction proofs and whatnot, but I still disagree.
  10. Aloha. I've been wondering recently if it would be better to play the majority of every game with two curates instead of my usual one. Do you usually use one? Or two? I'd always kindof assumed most people used one, but it seems that 2 are usually more useful (particularly in harder chapters and chapters where the team splits). True, your bishop wouldn't be quite as hax as usual.. and by the start of all of your promotions you could easily drop 1 or both (if you have no heart whatsoever) Thoughts?
  11. Thanks but I pretty much lost sleep in that day where I didn't know what Montag's battle stats were.
  12. I was literally at walmart past midnight 65 or so times this summer. WORKING. Let me tell you, this man speaks the truth.
  13. Umm I'm just kindof going to jump in here and reply to this at the same time. I kindof have a problem with underage sex. People in relationships aren't really prepared for offspring. Enough said I hope. The other two I mostly approve of, but they can totally go south... I know from experience with drinking and I've seen enough lazy potheads to know the other one. Anyway, I smoke a decent amount and dude, there is no way he's a better driver when he's high. I'm sure he's nicer, but unless his driving is severely inhibited by constant road-rage, there's no way. Your reaction times go way down, thats the main way to spot high people; if they're decently high they respond slowly, meet eyes slowly, talk slowly. You may be better at video games, but that may just be a perception. I agree that people get nicer, but theres no way someone gets better at driving (unless they usually drive at 120 like a raging asshole). Marijuana is addictive. Its not very addictive and its also not physically addictive (its psychologically addictive, like video games, but stronger). I hope it becomes legal and I sure hope it doesn't damage the human brain, but there are plenty of scientists out there who believe that it does.
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