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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. Just sharing some data points. I was able to recruit: - Ashe B support D spear (unknown charisma, will check later but average) - Dorothea C support C authority - Shanir and Catherine at level 15ish (was 16 or 17 at time) I was not able to recruit Bernadette with B support, E+ bow, and 20 str. It's looking like B support + D rank works. Maybe C with C rank. Definitely not foolproof and requires more testing but I hope this helps others!
  2. I think we're talking about different features. I mean when you go to someone's castle, request their card, then check it in your own travelers plaza bulletin board, you get the option to lock it and view their S-Ranks. I just made a quick file and S Ranked Male Avatar and Gunther, got someone to check it, and it showed on their vanilla file that I had S Ranked MAvatar and Gunther! Great success! :)
  3. How is "Or you could just be happy with the fact that there's already LGBT relationships in the game?" related in any way to hacking? Anyway, I'm going to drop it, as I don't want to derail this thread further, but you should really take some time to reflect on what you've said here, and why people would find it offensive. On topic - I have a question regarding support editing hacks. I know that if you load the game without applying the hack, the supports will change to whatever support they were originally mapped to. I'm curious if anyone knows what people see online, through checking S-Ranks on your game card? Curious as to what exactly the server is doing as the middleman, whether it's passing along actual detail (hacked game 1 said character A and B, so everyone sees A and B) or if it's just passing some ID that the game interprets based on its data files? (hacked game 1 said A and B, but the underlying IDs match to Y and Z, so everyone sees Y and Z) I'm planning on testing it myself but wanted to know if anyone had done so. Thanks!
  4. Wow.. Homophobic much? This is a thread about hacking the game. They did not provide sufficient support for gay marriage in this game, hence why people are seeking ways to properly hack it into the game. Could you please keep your bigotry out of this thread? Thank you.
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