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  1. edit on last post: "stalking Blasied"

  2. At least you went through with stalking Blaised, I applaud you for that. (similar reason for my being in the site, although I wasn't put up to it)

  3. HAHAHAHA, SIBLING. I live in Canada. So...so no. Unless his mother had some illegitimate child she never mentioned, and is also a time-traveler.

    (that would be totally kickass)

  4. *or more like cousin.*

    *or...mafia hitman.*


  5. *wonders idly what connection to Blasied you have*

    *suspects sibling*

  6. Clearly she's hoping to find the stash of cake. Why else would she be here?

  7. Because Flaming Hot Doritos are much better than Cool Ranch.

    Oh, and welcome to Serenes by the way.

  8. Why not Cool Ranch?

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