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Ice Ranger

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Everything posted by Ice Ranger

  1. Yeah, I believe it has to do with support ranks. The character with the highest support rank with the counterattacking character will join in attack stance. If they are all the same I would have to assume it goes clockwise from the top? Don't quote me on that.
  2. My Azama is up now with Quixotic, Counter, Countermagic, Replicate, and Draconic Hex. Code in my signature.
  3. Looking for Flora with Rend Heaven, Swordfaire, Replicate, or Lifetaker if possible. Thank you! ^-^
  4. Woah, I gotcha. Thanks so much! I'll definitely use this.
  5. I hate to sound like a total noob here, but I've heard about this save trick, but I've never been able to do it. How exactly is it performed, if you don't mind me asking?
  6. I've got Benny with Death Blow, Silas with Armored Blow, and maybe a couple more of your requests up in my castle now. I don't have many of them, but I hope I can be helpful at all! ^-^
  7. Screwed up and forgot about 'multi quote' on my last post, but thanks so much!! I snagged Benny. And sorry, I don't have Hana with Certain Blow, only Death and Duelist's Blow.
  8. Flora is up with Renewal. 03554-88904-72087-33177
  9. Been looking for some good skills for Izana, Yukimura, and Scarlet as I'm constructing my main Revelation file and plan to recruit them from my logbook. Mainly looking for Aptitiude on all three of them, but also some good skills anyone has on them. Also been looking for Benny and Hinata with Aptitude. My last 1st-gen characters besides the three listed above that I don't have it on. If anyone has any aptitude requests, I'll happily add them to my roster. My castle code is: 03554-88904-72087-33177 All units are on hold and the throne is open. They shouldn't go after you. Thanks everyone!
  10. Welcome! Your username already has my seal of approval for whatever it's worth, ahahah~! Anyway, yeah, I'd definitely be interested in reading some of your work should you decide to go through with that. Also, pop by the chat room every once in a while. We have fun over there ( for the most part ). It's where I went when I first joined and was welcomed warmly. :)
  11. y-y-y-y-6pyikes

    1. Ice Ranger

      Ice Ranger

      mobile keyboards trigger me

    2. master egg

      master egg

      mobile keyboards make me seem like an idiot

  12. I've been able to win as Ryoma. It's not difficult, but random crits and the two retainer's poison skills helped out a lot. I went and took out Camilla first, not that big of an issue. Then camped and waited for Elise, Sakura, Takumi, and Leo. Kagero got taken out at some point. ( Odin's BS vengeance ) from there, Hinoka and Xander weren't too much of an issue. I baited out Setsuna and then took out Hinoka. Azama attacked but didn't kill. Then it was easy pickings with Xander. Took out Peri first ( sting shuriken ) and then Xander, and finally Laslow. I guess a bit of luck is required, but it wasn't too bad. I'll try others tonight. Good luck everyone! I need these items for my lunatic classic run ( accidentally deleted my file when I was on chapter 20 of revelation grinding supports ugh )
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