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  • Birthday August 5

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  1. Friend for Cecil!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ninian


      He's the peacekeeper in the Judges, and his loyalty is to his nation, not its leader. He also seem to be the only one to care about the people. Want to hear something really awesome, but spoiler-y, about Gabranth?

    3. Randoman


      I've never really understood the whole mindset of being more loyal to a leader than a nation, even when the leader is constantly making a lot of bad decisions. I'm interested in hearing about the Gabranth spoiler.

    4. Ninian


      His brother, Basch, is a playable character, and one of the main ones, along with Ashe, Balthier, and Vaan. Gabranth is one of the final bosses in the game, (he's fought earlier too) and after him the three-stage final boss. Gabranth isn't killed in the battle with him. Rather, after the first stage of the battle with the final boss, he actually JOINS YOU as an assist to fight the second stage of the final boss. And since he dies at the end of the game, Basch takes over for him, (sin...

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