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Fabulously Olivier

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  1. I don't have a super huge amount to talk about this month, so I'll also cover playthroughs I haven't quite finished yet. It's ARPG month, ranked from worst to best. Gauntlet: Slayer Edition 47. Torchlight Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Diablo 3 48. Torchlight 2 49. Last Epoch I'm still playing Pokemon Moon. My opinion has not improved at all and I'm about 90% sure that this is the only playthrough I'll ever do. I've played even more Warframe this month than I did last month. I also tried The First Descendant. It's okay in a sort of 4-5/10 way, but it actually just made me want to play more Warframe. I played a little bit of Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Samurai Warriors 5, and Astro's Playroom just to break the pace a bit.
  2. Unicorn Overlord. It's "real time" but not really. All of the actual tactical decisions are basically turn-based. And in every other regard, it's basically a top tier FE game.
  3. So, spoilers for my monthly post on what I'm playing but... Last Epoch is well on its way to being the best Diablo-like game ever made. And the rest of the way is just bug fixing and game balance. The only thing that sucks is that there's no one to talk about it with because if the cancerous subreddit is anything to go by, I'm the odd one out.
  4. Metaphor Re Fantazio. As in Atlus' big new fantasy IP and arguably the biggest JRPG release of the year.
  5. Pretty much right alongside Metaphor. That's brutal. Ys is amazing, but Falcom can't compete with Atlas head to head like that.
  6. No, and unless I find some seriously good gear for him on an alt in the future, I don't intend to touch postgame on my Slayer.
  7. So I picked Rowlett as my starter, I've got a Pikachu that I intend to evolve to Alolan Raichu, and I've got a Salandit I intend to evolve. The rest of the team is up in the air, and being rotated around as I catch things/as needs be. I may put a Poliwrath in there. My Moon run is less planned than my last couple games were.
  8. My initial impressions of Moon are extremely negative, by the way. For one, I find it unfun that basically every wild Pokemon can call for help, which makes them considerably more annoying to grind and WAY more annoying to catch. Two, I'm consistently having to grind a lot to beat every totem Pokemon, and I'm currently on the jungle one. They're honestly stronger than your Pokemon even 5-10 levels over them, they summon help, and some of them even just spam full heals on themselves. Super annoying, doesn't feel balanced at all.
  9. Yeah, Aurorus was godawful for most fights, and I'll never be using it again. I wasn't happy with Aegislash's performance either, personally. Nidoking was actually my MVP, and Charizard & Greninja were carrying me too. But there really are so many good Pokemon in X that I intend to make playthroughs a sort of annual thing for the forseeable future. Alongside Soul Silver & Alpha Sapphire. What I've noticed is that aside from picking Sword, I always pick the game with the softer color/theme.
  10. I don't really have a lot to talk about in June, because I came back to Warframe after a roughly 5 year hiatus. Seeing how far the game has come, I'm proud of the little game I backed as a master tier founder way back in college. It's always been a game I play so excessively that I burn out, but I'll also always come back eventually. 44. Pokemon X 45. Immortals of Aveum 46. Path of Exile Warframe I foresee myself playing a lot more Warframe going forward as I catch up on my many missed Primes and other rewards. I started Pokemon Moon. I've also been playing a fair amount of Samurai Warriors 5, a little bit of Astro's Playroom, a little bit of Gauntlet Slayer Edition, and some of the Trails Through Daybreak demo.
  11. Makalov as a guest character drunk-riding a horse. That would make the game for me.
  12. I believe that was Sylux - one of the rivals in Metroid Prime Hunters and a favorite to get in Smash.
  13. They should have called this one The Legend of Link. Because that would be hysterical.
  14. This was probably one of the best direct's over the Switch's entire life cycle, objectively speaking. Not a whole lot for me personally. Though Dragon Quest looks great, the announcement of 1 & 2 HD is a big deal. Phantasian on consoles is good. I've heard good things. Finally a Saga game whose characters don't look like inbred demon muppets. Metroid Prime 4 is finally here. Looks like Fire Emblem is probably next gen or cross gen. Same for any future licensed Warriors games. Probably the right call. My brother will be delighted with new Mario Party and Ace Attorney games.
  15. You get Hyrule Warriors: CDi Zelda and you're going to like it.
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