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Shur Ree

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Everything posted by Shur Ree

  1. Well they were the leftovers :P Xander/Charlotte Score(1) Silas/Selena Score(2) Arthur/Effie Score(2) Kaze/Beruka Score(2) Leo/Felicia Score(2) Keaton/Camilla Score(2) (Used Niles) I married Keaton Odin/Elise Score(3) Niles/Mozu Score(3) (Didnt use) Benny/Peri Score(3) Laslow/Azura Score(4 Jakob/Nyx Score(5) ​This is the chart that is well, supposedly the best optimization, and from what its done for my game all my pairs have been fairly well except i married Keaton cause Keaton is amazing, and i married her(Camilla) to Niles. Cause nothings better imo than a Nina with Savage Blow
  2. Hello Serenes Forests users! So once again Im having troubles in my game. I followed optimizations guides, and everyone turned out good for now, and I got advice for one of my last uncertain pairings, and this was the leftover bracket.... I don't mind their story, its better than the Benny X Peri one imo, but they are pretty nice together I guess :P So Jakobs fine, its never been anything wrong with Jakob.. Its just Nyx.. What do I do with her? Her stats are ok I guess, but she keeps nearly dying or just dying and I have to restart. Any suggestions to make her and Dwyer better? Nyx stats: 10 str, 20 mag, 13 skill, 18 spd, 8 lck, 11 def, 15 res Thanks and have a great day to anyone who helps!
  3. Thanks for the advice Dozel! I appreciate it and will use it. And yes I have the DLC. Have a great day!
  4. Hello Serenes Forest users In my FE Conquest game I finished pairing everyone together in a optimal and story wise i liked fashion, people say Odin and Elise are a good pair together, and their conversations and age differences aren't weird compared to some but, I want to make them stronger. So heres my struggle: Since Elise married Odin, she can use a Partner seal to change her class to Dark Knight and Sorcerer, which both seem great but im not sure which too choose. Both are better than Strategist. Her rating is 2str 17mag 6skill 16spd 18lck 5def and 19res atm as a level 1 Strategist Odins a whole other story, he is one of my favorite characters and its my third Conquest playthorugh but his magic is very bad compared to the others. I dont know if i should make him a Sorcerer or keep him as a D.K.. Or maybe even Master of Arms or something like that. His rating is 18str 14mag 21skill 14spd 21lck 20def and 12 res as a level 3 DK And for the sake of a strong and high mag stat and continually blonde Ophelia, what would be best out of these options to optimize her? Thanks to anyone who reads this or helps me out, and have a great day!
  5. Personally, I don't mind Silas. In my first run of Birthright and Conquest, I benched him after two levels or so. He just didn't have any of the "pzazz" to be any use to me, but when I paired him up with Selena, he got a lot stronger. Plus in the end Sophie ended up getting Selena's Sol and Silas's Luna.. So yeah, they are the most optimal pair for each other. Personality wise, hes boring, which is a good thing imo. He isn't complicated compared to some characters and just seems easy to get along with. But on the topic of "self proclaimed bestie" its kinda fiction. The Avatar doesn't remember their past much, so its kinda obvious that they wouldnt remember Silas much. Plus there is dialogue in Conquest between the two in which the Avatar begins to remember. But he isn't hot imo, Keaton is, which is off topic but true. So yeah, Silas isn't that bad, just boring in a good way!
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