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Everything posted by かベリー

  1. Tfw your mom doesn't even let you eat the bland and very slightly sweet cookies because it's "unhealthy".
  2. hahahahahaha no don make me ban u younf mAN/woma/.nonbinary person
  3. Here's the explanation for the cover of my vaporwave thing and the music itself: The image itself is about the technologically nerdy Sanae who's been bullied at her school. The Gundams represent Hisou, the Gameboy and Wi-Fi sign her affinity towards video games and technology, the thing about stars references her bullet patterns and her wish to escape to a better place and be one of the "cool kids", the Windows error thing is glitched up and reads ""happiness not found". further driving the point of her depression. The grid-like network looks kind of high-tech, while the palm trees and dreamy gradient represent the magical and dreamlike Gensokyo. The "straight" thing is just about her yuri stash. The music itself is just random, I slapped some yaoi porn audio and slowed it down with her theme. Yes, even my shitposts have hidden meanings. /noms oxygen
  4. I suggest you list some of your interests so you don't have to go trough the boards looking for other members of your cul- fandom. Good luck at Serenes!
  5. Literally same, like, word by word, except the toilet part. I chew tissue paper sometimes as a gum replacement.
  6. DID I HEAR SKILL IDEAS. Okay okay, first above all, we need a magical system. Will it have elements, use MP, any lore associated with it or symbolism? Rock-Paper-Scissor or more Final Fantasy-ish? Personally I like the idea of many independent elements and every character focusing around one or two elements with maybe some kind of branching tree so they could fill different roles?
  7. Meh, I guess you could. I just prefer posting the image because of the boxes and it doesn't require as much effort as selecting everything. Sorry, I wasn't really serious anyways.
  8. 1. You could have screenshotted it. 2. i wanted some critique on my musical masterpiece
  9. Oh oh, do tarot cards count? I have some experience with reading the Major Arcana, but I've forgotten some of the meanings.
  10. Never done one, but I'm very interested in the paranormal, occult and mythology. I'm not really sure if I believe in those angel and demon things, but it's fun to imagine it. I would only attempt one with someone else to help me and support me.
  12. That's still a lot of chapters for a first project. Only the Last Promise has around that amount and TLP is...it's own thing. And by removing the triangle, you're removing a major part of gameplay. If everyone uses the same weapons, you don't even have to think about the advantages and all of your units will only be different in their stats.
  13. I think his nose is too small and makes his face look flat. Exaggerate it a little?
  14. Hm, it looks too big for my small phone data, with all those 3D models...Anyways, I might try it out later.
  15. WHY IS MIMI-CHAN SO LOW, BAKA GAIJIN! Anyways, I'm working on sum Touhou vaporwave shitposting, expect soon.
  16. It's not even a theory, he literally gave the Pope a copy of Undertale.
  17. Undertale has started to trigger me, it's so big and important and I feel like I'll never do something as cool.
  18. I like jazz because it reminds me o- *doot doot* Hoenn.
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