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Everything posted by Psycho11edge

  1. Well, to continue my build, anyone have Aegis for F.Kana?
  2. Thank you. Where did you get your profile pic? It's awesome.
  3. Ah, thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
  4. Female. I didn't realize that mattered.
  5. Anyone have Pavise and Aegis on Kana?
  6. I have him up with it. 11181-58182 28293-29380
  7. Even worse, it finally connected, but I seem to have already visited your castle today. Must have been earlier when I was away from my comp.
  8. Shiet, seems there are server problems.
  9. Anyone got Soliel with Vantage and/or Nohrian Trust?
  10. Still interested in a Soleil with Norhian Trust and Vantage.
  11. Anyone have Soleil with Nohrian Trust, Draconic Hex and/or Vantage? Also, Shigure with most any non-DLC rallies?
  12. Nevermind, managed to get Savage Blow on Selkie myself. Automatic 60% off the enemies health after a battle, and another 20% off anyone within 2 spaces.
  13. I was making a different build for a different character and realized I could use Selkie a hell of a lot better than I made her out to be. Anyone have Selkie with Poison Strike or Savage Blow? Edit: Actually, just Savage Blow. I can still get Poison strike for her.
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