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Posts posted by sumerian99

  1. This game will be the moment of ascension for Fire Emblem. It will be a critical moment, where Fire Emblem will have the potential to rise beyond what it has done before.

    Awakening saved the franchise, Fates and SoV consolidated it, Heroes and Warriors brought it to new horizons, and Three Houses...Will bring it to godhood.

    The moment of truth approaches. Spring 2019.

  2. 18 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

    I suppose if I were a shareholder of IS or Nintendo, the state of the franchise would be a cause of optimism and quite the golden age indeed.

    But since I'm not, I think a more fitting descriptor is "corpse desecration". But I'm going to spare you and me the long list of ways in which the franchise makes a mockery of it's legacy, so let's just talk about what it adds in exchange: 8/15 otaku wank material. And that would be fine in theory, but this stuff is everywhere these days. The only thing that makes Fire Emblem special in that regard is a level of cynicism and shamelessness that I still can't wrap my head around. So forgive me that I couldn't care less about what happens to this franchise now that it has become utterly generic and mediocre.

    Quite frankly, at this point I would respect the franchise a lot more if it would just commit towards doing porn as supposed to the pretentiousness, halfbaked junk that we are getting these days. At least show some freaking commitment, for Christ's sake. And it's not like there are a lot of good porn games out there, despite that sacred "Sex Sells" mantra. So that would actually make the franchise fairly unique.

    What about Shadows of Valentia? Isn't it a much more conservative Fire Emblem when it comes to character designs and sexualization? In my head, that game is IS's answer to the purist fanbase's preocupations.

  3. As I was listening to ''The Task At Hand'' from Fire Emblem : Radiant Dawn, I reflected upon the current situation of the Fire Emblem franchise and community.

    After the Dark Ages of FE : 11 to FE : 12 (or some would say : FE : 9 to 12), Fire Emblem has been saved from extinction thanks to Awakening's intervention. Despite being a somewhat controversial game because of certain character designs and the marriage system (''Waifu Emblem''), none can deny Awakening effectively saved the franchise we all loved. It deserves respect, at least for that fact.

    FE : 14 built upon FE : 13's systems, generally to the satisfaction of newcomers, and dismay of some purists (although, some veterans are very tolerant of the new designs/trends seen in FE: 13-14). FE : 13 and 14 brought a lot of new blood to the franchise, consolidating the financial support of the franchise.

    On the other end, FE : 15 answered the preocupations of the purists by bringing a remake of a beloved past Fire Emblem in a masterful way. Not only are the new designs more conservative and aligned with designs from the pre-FE : 13 era, but the remastered story and gameplay brought satisfaction to many veterans of the franchise, also to the satisfaction of newcomers.

    As for FE Warriors, it has expanded the reach of the franchise towards new genres, with respectable success.

    On the very lucrative mobile front, there is Fire Emblem Heroes, which has built an extremely solid and devoted fanbase, full of memes, fun and amusement. Fire Emblem Heroes has received strong financial support and its handlers have been rather skilled at remaining attentive to the community's enthusiasm and requests. The game continues to receive extensive support and remains the the subject of many discussions.

    The consecration for Fire Emblem's return will be FE : 16, also known as Fire Emblem Switch. It has been a long time since Fire Emblem has received a full fledged traditional game on a console (the last time being Radiant Dawn, which received a mixed reception, and lukewarm sales). With the Switch being a tremendous success, and Nintendo backing it fully, FE : 16 is set to quite possibly become the franchise's greatest success, as well as a major console seller.

    Which is why I have reached the conclusion that we are in a Golden Age my friends. Fire Emblem is saved and prospering. The future seems more secure than ever and the community is growing. Our franchise is set for a bright and prosperous future, full of joy, amusement and fellowship.

    In light of these facts, do you also share my optimism for the future of Fire Emblem?

  4. The Naga and Valflame spells are alright in FE13, but still do not convey the same ''legendary'' feeling as the Elibe legendary magic tomes. They lack weight and presence. And the other spells are bleh.

    FE10's Rexaura, Rexflame, Rexbolt, Rexcalibur and Balberith however are on par with the GBA legendary tomes. They convey the feeling of ''we're a big deal'' when cast.

  5. I always thought that the legendary magic tomes of Elibe looked freakin' awesome.

    Those weapons were held by Legends. The weight of history resides within them. Using them is a sacred, exceptional act (which is why this music the music that accompanies them in FE7 is so appropriate).

    The best is seeing Athos use Forblaze in the final chapter of FE7, the tome he used during the Scouring. You're witnessing one of the 8 legendary heroes use his mastery of magic one last time in order to help a new generation of heroes save the day. He exhausted himself using this power at his age, but damn was he inspiring by doing so.
    Apocalypse required Brammimond to completely erase his own personality.
    As for Aureola, I have no idea what kind of skill, power or will was needed by Elimine to use it, but it must've been pretty demanding.
    So which of the tomes is your favorite and why?
  6. Grima is an okay villain and all. He's quite terrifying in his dragon form (many eyes, giant mouth with tons of sharp teeth, huge size). But I had trouble taking Grima in his human form seriously. He's just a physical copy of the avatar who occasionally uses red text to show how mad he is. I think they should've made his human appearance much more sinister, red eyes, rough traits, a disturbing, mad smile, or other physical elements that convey how this human body is a vessel that has been taken over by Grima.

    I mean, if you chose the first girl model (the shortest one) for your avatar, who is even going to take Grima seriously in his (her?) human form when you see him? It just makes me laugh at him...

    Of course, when we first see the avatar's ''copy'' when we meet Validar after the fall of Gangrel, they could've kept the human appearance identical to the avatar's, to keep the mistery. Grima would not have revealed his cards yet, so it wouldn't have been convenient to him to just let his body reflect his true nature.

    What do you think? Was Grima's human form ''intimidating'' enough as it is? Or were you just indifferent to it? I just didn't feel very impressed...It's just ME.

  7. I still maintain that the removal of many features in SD was an intentional decision to finish the game earlier and release it as a quick cash grab, appealing to the Japanese audience's nostalgia and the international audience's curiosity with Marth's games. And it worked. After the disappointment that was PoR and RD, SD might have save the series. It's not secret that if there is something responsible for the near death of the series, it's the Tellius games.

    Also, the graphical style of SD and Mistery of the Emblem was a difficult transition from the GBA sprites players had grown accustomed to. They somehow had less charisma and felt less impressive (to me at least). I do believe that the critical hit abilities looked less amazing or satisfying, not to mention the character models (in combat) had no EYES. It made them look like faceless characters that could be associated to generics, supressing part of their charisma.

    I understand IS did its best to succeed in the transition to the DS graphically wise, but it didn't cut it for quite a few fans.

  8. How do I feel? Terrible. Fire Emblem should have died 17 years ago.

    And yes, PoR and RD are responsible for the near death of FE, not Shadow Dragon. In fact I'm convinced that SD was a quick cash grab until they could work on something more extensive. The removal of many features might have been due to IS just wanting a game out there to make a respectable profit, unlike FE9/10 and they figured appealing to nostalgia and the west's curiosity with Marth's games was the best way to do that.

    Do you imply you want the franchise to die? :(

  9. As all well informed fans should've heard by now, Fire Emblem : Awakening has saved the Fire Emblem franchise from extinction. Due to the somewhat poor sales of FE10, 11 and 12, Nintendo considered to stop making FE games.

    I somehow come to realize the franchise almost hit the bottom of the barrel. Imagine if the series had been canceled for a large period of time...or even, permanently.

    This makes me think about how this franchise brings people together. It's almost as if the FE extinction threat is an FE story itself. After years of stagnation and lack of innovation, with the impending threat of death, FE : Awakening arrived...

    The long time Fire Emblem veterans, eternal guardians of Fire Emblem knowledge and history, rose together, as each game commands them to do, to get the game and spread its existence through the world. Then, the newcomers, the people, joined us into the fray, bolstering our ranks, bolstering this very community that has existed for many years. Such breath of fresh air made the world realize that we are not dead yet...That Fire Emblem LIVES and that it is an exceptional franchise that deserves to make its existence known.

    Is it not a beautiful story? Fire Emblem has always been about the people it brings together, about the bonds they form together. And in our most desperate hour, the game that was supposed to be the last breath of a franchise, reincarnated it and assembled the power of the people around itself. Through this miracle, we were able to form bonds with each other and strengthen the ones we had already formed.

    What do you think about all this? About coming close to extinction and being reborn from the cinders of a weakened franchise?

  10. So I spent about 2 hours grinding EXP at Endgame:Grima only to realize those levels were useless because the game doesn't continue after you beat it?

    Am I wrong or yes, you have to do everything (DLCchapters/Spotpass characters) before the last chapter.

    You can still do DLCs and skirmishes after the last main quest chapter has been completed. The game will return you to just before the last chapter, allowing you to travel around the map and do whatever you like. The XP you grinded on the last chapter is not exactly a waste in that sense,

  11. Here are the thoughts that, when thought at the same time, produced laughter of which I'm not proud:

    -"This whole comparison seems a bit dramatic, I mean I don't think saying 'I think the armor and designs should make more sense and be less sexualized' is equivalent to saying they should do anything like go to the extreme in the opposite direction, or even that anybody's character designs should be forced to abide by any particular concept of modesty"



    But even as much as I think there's room to complain about the practicality of some of the designs, I have to admit I'm grateful for the small mercy that they're not worse at the time Fire Emblem is getting a little time in the sort-of spotlight, because they could be so much worse

    Wow, wow, wow, Im simply bringing up that the nitpicking on female skin seems to be quite obsessive on this thread. Perhaps you didn't like my seemingly excessive and exagerated comparison to Sharia. Yet my intention is simply to say perhaps we should cut some slack to the Devs for most of the female characters they have designed. Besides Fire Emblem isnt supposed to be ultra-realistic. It never was considered the fantasy aspects it has (magic, mystical creatures, powerful enchantments, etc...). Fire Emblem is indeed inspired of the medieval world, hence the necessity for armor. However, to criticize any non-realistic or non-practical armor presented in the game almost equals to demanding Fire Emblem to be an ultra realistic depiction of medieval combat, which it's not.

  12. Hahaha, Fire Emblem is still far away from becoming the next CoD.

    However, it has firmly established itself as a B-tier Nintendo series now.

    It certainly doesnt need to become the next CoD. CoD's standards of quality are pathetic compared to what's needed for a Fire Emblem game to be good. You cant make Fire Emblem games in one year, especially considering the depth of the game and the character design.

    Besides, comparing an FPS to a Tactical-RPG is like...ultra irrelevant I believe.

  13. I laughed for all the wrong, wrong, wrong reasons

    I'll just go end the clear and present threat I pose to humanity, tell the President I want the medal engraved into my tombstone, none of this lay-it-in-the-casket business

    I of course meant under a radical islamic regime, not that Im saying radical islam is a country : P

    Oh and if you are laughing because Japan is an East-Asian country, many of its cultural aspects and quite a few aspects of its way of life largely compare to our way of life in Europe or North America. After all, their economic growth since WW2 has been monitored and supported by the United-States. So Japan can be considered as quite heavily influenced by Western culture.

  14. I mean common guys, are we truly going to nitpick at every single freakin' pose female characters have?! And about what they are wearing even if its far from being excessive in most of the cases? Do you want to live under radical islam where women cant show ANY OR ALMOST NO SKIN in public?!

    No thanks I prefer Western Civilization, even with all its flaws. : P

  15. Well sure. I suppose. But if i get a couple of characters within a cast of dozens, that have pretty great character development, im fine with it. To be fair to the writers, fleshing out dozens and dozens of characters is pretty tough. So they have to give the focus on the main characters such as the lords and their immediate team members. (Ike, Mist, Soren, Titania, and peeps like Elincia for example.)

    I agree. Developping a cast of 35+ something characters over the course of one single game is a pretty though challenge. We'd need entire brick books if we truly wanted to develop each single character to epic proportions, each with their own storyline further exploring their personality, adventures and changes over the course of years.

    Wouldnt that be asking for a bit much from videogame developers?

    Anyhow, going to bed. See ya tomorrow people! : D

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