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Posts posted by sumerian99

  1. I definitely use her. I always tend to use the underleveled units rather than the actually most powerful ones. (Which makes stuff such as Radiant Dawn hard mode incredibly hard). It's generally just because I like their personalities better, but now it has sort of grown into my style.

    And I don't really like most of the Dawn Brigade at all. I don't like using Sothe, Leo, Nolan, Meg, Zihark, Tormod, Nailah, Muarim, Tauroneo nor Volug too much (some due to being overleveled, some due to me not liking them). So I pretty much always use something ala Micaiah-Edward-Jill-Fiona-Rafiel team. Of course, that team can't clear part 1 on hard, so I use the other units, but in part 3 those 5 end up being my entire team.

    So I give Jill paragon in the laguz chapter in part 3, in which she disposes of all the enemies herself (I unequip the Black Knight :3). I also never kill the laguz untransformed, as that gives a lot less exp. As a result she's now a level 5-10 (ish) tier 3.

    Next Dawn brigade chapters, Fiona gets the paragon, and pretty much ends up soloing those chapters. As a result, she too becomes a ~lv 5 tier 3.

    Now, one might think that could probably have been done nearly as well, or better, by most other units, but Fiona can have both Imbue and Paragon in mid-tier 2. Thus healing over 10 health pr turn, while becoming powerful enough to easily manage the part 3 dawn brigade chapters (which are some of the very hardest in the game).

    So she gets chunked into Tibarn's team for part 4, and is mainly just used as to tank opponents to level up the weaker units (I always put my weak lot in Tibarn's team, due to the immense level-gains of chapter 5) in the first chapter. In the second of the Tibarn chapters, she's the most important of the defensive units. (Tibarn is in untransformed mode to gain more exp. I do that mainly just for the fun of it. )

    She's made the endgame twice, and has made quite decent performances there too. Generally as a tank, as I don't bring any of the laguz royals except Tibarn and Skrimir, and I also don't use any generals. I really should be less picky about personalities.

    As a result, she's one of my most used units. Ike, Soren, Rolf, Nephenee, Mia and Jill are the only ones who gained more kills than her last playthrough, I believe.

    So yes, Fiona supporter. :)

    Glad to see you could join us!

  2. Hello everyone! I've decided to stop being a Fire Emblem fan on my own, and decided to join the community!

    By joining your ranks, I simply hope that I will be able to enjoy the joys of sharing our passion together. : )

    I've always thought Fire Emblem was an underrated franchise that needs far more love. I guess that by joining you all, I will be able to add my little brick in order to raise Fire Emblem's popularity by 0.00000000000001%. But hey, it's better than nothing, because we are milions to love this franchise!

    It is our duty to raise Fire Emblem to new heights and to keep Fire Emblem's morale high! The rest is up to Intelligent Systems.

    My favorite Fire Emblem game is Radiant Dawn. I find this game to be epic beyond epicness itself for various reasons.

    Anyhow, I am truly honored and pleased to meet all of you, now I know I wont be alone anymore in my love for Fire Emblem!

  3. I like Fiona too :) cavs are among my favorite classes. Although her character is bland I like her nobleness, she's not my favorite new character but she's among them.

    Yay! Im glad im not alone! I agree that her appearance inspires nobleness. She is a compassionate and respectable character that does her part for her province and her country. For a noble she is far from being arrogant too, just like Astrid.

  4. Well, yeah, I like her. Even though she doesn't have a huge lot of backstory or ''screen'' time, I still like her.

    I am at my second playthrough (normal mode) and I am training her again . I guess the reason why I like her might be related to the fact that I like to see her grow into a good unit.

    I simply like the challenge of training her, and I also like her appearance, both in her artwork and as an in game unit, especially as a Lance Paladin.

    Now I know many people hate her for availability, stats and terrain issues, but hey, I support her, even though I might be alone.

    Am I alone in that quest for some Fiona supporters? : (

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