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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I see you, a thief on the roof. My new satellite link has both Infrared and the X-Ray spectrum. I see your heart beating. I see you are...afraid.
  2. Look at you: You're nothing but a little man...a little man still living inside a body. Lose your body and what are you? Nothing! You vanish! You die...
  3. You're in the clear...for now.

  4. Nightmare

    OTP HnH

    Someone help me cap this before those monsters come and destroy another pairing I like.
  5. Hmm, well, how should I abuse him... Any suggestions, oujay's?
  6. Are you sure you want excitement? Because I can give a lot of that.
  7. No, this isn't about Tangerine. Get out, perverts. There are these pieces of dried fruit which I have most recently found. Someone bought the whole package, and these pieces were within. What makes them so special? I have no idea what fruit they could've been made of, but I have made several observations which might serve to clear this issue. Exhibit A: The slices are thin, as if to suggest that the fruit which this was made from had an abundant amount of water, so much so that when most all of the water was evaporated, it only left almost paper thin slices. Exhibit B: The slices have a distinct shape to them, almost like crescents, but more...outwards. Exhibit C: The slices are of a pale green colour. Exhibit D: Finally, the skin of the fruit that remains on the slices has a distinct pattern. It's not visible in many of these slices due to how shrivelled up it is (which again, goes back to Exhibit A), but in one specimen, I could identify the pattern as being something of a criss-cross of white lines on a green background with a hint of yellow in the mixture of the colours that was present. Conclusion: With the help of my assistant, ZXValaRevan, I have evaluated, after long hours of research and debate, that this might indeed be honeydew melon. Dried honeydew melon. One thing goes against this fact: it does not taste very much like melon, but given all the other evidence, I'm inclined towards thinking that this is melon, but still not 100% sure. In addition, the skin tastes quite bitter when chewed. I have never eaten a melon's skin, so I wouldn't know how it tastes. I'll need some help in deciding this, and if a normal melon's skin tastes bitter, then I think I can fully conclude that this is indeed melon.
  8. Also I missed this the first time but What? Overposting? What exactly do you mean by that?
  9. These are all things I would give out anyway. Revan-kun. ;__;
  10. Let's see...I'm not impeccably good at God Hand, but I'm fairly well-versed at it. I guess I'm also better than your average person at Contra: Hard Corps, and I'm pretty good at Raiden Fighters 2. Otherwise I'm about average at every other game (from what I can remember right now).
  11. Yes, he counts. An antagonist is anyone who opposes the protagonist. They don't necessarily have to be evil. Likewise, a protagonist is anyone who is the main character of the story, and they don't necessarily have to be good.
  12. On that note, read the rules. And welcome.
  13. Nightmare

    OTP HnH

    Sirius gave an mp3 to me. It was pretty cool, and I do feel better. Though obviously, I still prefer the originals, but yeah.
  14. Nightmare

    OTP HnH

    I can't access Youtube. 8(
  15. I like questionnaires. I'll fill this out.
  16. They might not, but my cane will.
  17. Fine. But don't meddle with a man of class like me again, you pencil-neck geek, or I'll smash you with my cane.
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