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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I've heard it also increases acne. Is this true?
  2. Yeah it was pretty obvious, wasn't it >_> Your turn.
  3. Delmud inspired me to do this in a poetic fashion and since I just love reciting poems, here goes! Flocks of hair, blazing red Through the castle, does he tread With whip in hand and muscles taut The Dark Lord Dracula he has sought Stone silence, speaks not a single word He likes his wallmeat glazed and cured To stone walls come his whip to thrash and beat Holes that beget wondrous wallmeat The undead fear his might For he is upon them, a blight Courage screwed and leather bound His enemy, he has finally found Nothing to lose, no regrets "Decapitation, is what he gets!" Who is he? Many thanks to a friend of mine who aided me with this poem.
  4. Happy birthday dewd.

  5. Playing some Castlevania. Just beat an awesome boss. You?

  6. No way. They couldn't get out, and judging by how the hovel looks like, no one got in either. For years upon years. This can be easily explained by saying that the witch did not know. It was all a simple accident. Simple, no? Perhaps, perhaps. That is quite interesting. They possibly fed on the bugs that lived in their house. Which also may explain why they are all so comfortable after being freed, with all the filth and bugs and all. That is very plausible, actually. I think that maybe the witch withdrew their sexual desires (and energy) and trapped them within the Gold Skulltulas, which is why they are freed and happy once more. Of course it also has the power to turn them back.
  7. I've done it a few times in the past. Also smoked hookahs. But I don't think I'll ever do it again. Thank God my taste for smoking is not there any more.
  8. The Stone of Agony may have been used to pick up the agony left by sexual tension. A valuable tool, especially for a family such as this. That sounds reasonable, that the children would sell their services. Perhaps it was in a time of need for the whole family, or perhaps they're all horny bastards who enjoy the mere thought of it. That's possibly why the father did not interfere. He instead fantasized about it. There is, however, one unanswered question here: How is the father able to give you infinite rupees? Was that a side-effect of the curse (be it wanted or unwanted)? Or does he have so much money that it just seems infinite? Where did he get all that rupee from, anyway? Why do they not use it to further their own ambitions instead of giving it to Link? I present theories for these: Question #1: "How is the father able to give you infinite rupees?" Possibly due to him saving up all the money his sons made during their prostitution services and they somehow multiplied and became infinite. This isn't very possible, however, due to the family living in a hovel. How a family living in a hovel have so much money is beyond me, if it's even possible. I'm betting that if they did indeed have that much money, they would've bought all of Hyrule already. Question #2: "Was that a side-effect of the curse (be it wanted or unwanted)?" That's very conceivable. It is known throughout the world that magic may have side-effects, whether they are wanted or unwanted. In this case, the witch may have sneezed when she cast the curse, or she may have cast an alternate version of it. Either way, it must have been very long-lasting and effective. Question #3: "Or does he have so much money that is just seems infinite?" This one is rather plausible. However, the issue of "Buying all of Hyrule" comes up here as well. It doesn't seem that this was the case. Question #4: "Why do they not use it to further their own ambitions instead of giving it to Link?" Well...this one is rather dodgy, if I do say so myself, haha. As presented before (by yours truly *bows*), the father may be giving these rupees to Link for a lap dance or something of the sort. But there can also be another reason which can only be explained if we assume theory #2 is the truth: The father is paranoid about the rupees, thinking they are cursed. Thus, he gives them to Link in hopes of ridding himself (and his family) from them. The best theory yet is the second one, since if they had that much money before the curse then surely they would've bought all of Hyrule. I tried really hard here. Probably my best. I hope it helps to shed some light on these matters.
  9. Ahhhh, that's a very good point you make! I had never even thought of it! Perhaps they left her out because they were all homosexual and had no desire for a woman to partake in their activities. Which begs for the question: How did the man reproduce in the first place? Simple. He either adopted them (which is impossible because it runs in their blood) or reproduced just for the sake of his interest. Luckily for him, they all inherited his latent...ability.
  10. I believe you have a point there. However, whether the characters in-game are manifestations of the artists and developers, I cannot say. If that were the case then I believe most of the team would've retorted to suicide by now, assuming that these people are as uncontrollable as they seem in the games. I'm sure you know what I mean. And as tempting as it is, I just can't picture Mr. Miyamoto as homosexual, no matter what. But I will say, that was a good bit of observation on the cocks. So then, are you saying the witch was a part of this family? And did she partake in the family's...interest? I'm sorry but, that's nonsense. There is no way the witch would turn her own family into Skulltula bondage traps. We are assuming here that she partook in those family "gatherings". If that is the case (and it most likely is) then the witch wouldn't take away her only source of amusement from herself. Unless the witch didn't know that she was a part of the family, in which case she still wouldn't cast that curse upon them. Seeing as how the whole family is mutually interested in incest and bondage, it must run through their blood and as such, they are able to detect such things when close together. If anything, the witch would try to track down her lineage or talk about it with the family before casting her curse. But if we are to deem that she was indeed, the one who cast the curse upon them, then she must have been purified in some way or another. This may have been done in an accident involving magic or her conscience was weighed heavily with guilt which caused her to do it on purpose. This last theory is, however, still not very possible. My one theory is that the witch may have been a part of the family, but she wasn't the one who cast the curse. It was rather, and outsider who was disgusted with this family, either because she thought their "gathering"s were sickening or she had a grudge against them from old times, which can lead to many more theories involving this mysterious family.
  11. If it's a woman, you spank them, God Hand style.
  12. I was thinking about this for a long time. There are a whole bunch of mysteries (and all of them related to sex) in Ocarina of Time. Here we go: Mystery #1: How do the Kokiri reproduce? My thoughts: They either spring from the ground or are actually the nuts that fall from the Great Deku Tree. They are also born as kids of around 10 years of age with common knowledge, skills and abilities from the get-go. Possibility of this theory: Eh...I'd say it's so-so. A bit convincing, but nothing more. Mystery #2: How exactly IS a male born once every 100 years in the Gerudo Tribe? My thoughts: Well...this one is a bit tricky. I'm assuming every time Ganondorf appears/is born in the tribe, he hits up around 50 chicks so the tribe will sustain during his absence. But the thing is, that still doesn't answer this question. So let's go way back...when a certain male (Ganondorf) was first born. Or when he first brought the people together and made the tribe. I'm assuming this was done before OoT began time, since OoT seems to be the first game in the timeline (I hope, at least). Okay now...in OoT Ganondorf is apparently immortal, or turns immortal due to the power of the Triforce piece he possesses. So then...a male isn't born every 100 years but rather, reborn. Because there's absolutely no way pregnancy can last 100 years (give or take). Possibility of this theory: Quite possible, considering there is no other way (that I know of) it could happen. Mystery #3: Why does that one apprentice of the carpenter act flamboyant? My thoughts: Well he's...homosexual, obviously. At first I thought he was just slightly effeminate/metrosexual when he commented on his soft hands being ruined by the work, but when he called Link a "cute boy" then I definitely knew something was going on. And that doesn't make him just homosexual, he's a paedophile as well. Sick bastard. Possibility of this theory: Extremely likely, given that there is almost no room for doubt here. Mystery #4: Who are the cursed family of Skulltulas and why are they cursed? My thoughts: I'm thinking once upon a time, a family of one father and four sons were into incest and bondage but they couldn't get enough. So when they see this witch they ask her for supreme bondage. The witch, being disgusted, cursed them to turn into Skulltulas instead. All the bondage they could get! ...Except it wasn't so pleasant. They had it coming, the sick fucks. But here's another question: Why do I think all of this? It's obvious. Once you free each boy, they jump up with huge grins on their faces. Obviously happy to be freed. And when you free the father, he does this homoerotic dance. Always. And has an overly happy expression on his face. Always. And gives you a large sum of rupees. ALWAYS. Obviously the rupee is him wanting Link to strip but since he's an idiot and knows nothing about this sort of stuff he thinks it's his reward. And the last question, but obviously not the least: Why are they happy to be freed? You're an idiot if you don't know the answer to this one. Possibility of this theory: As possible as Castlevania fanbrats getting extinct. In other words, not at all possible. But at least I tried, and that's the only thing that counts, right? Conclusion: I did a lot of thinking on this one. My brain almost melted. I hope you all enjoyed reading and will debate this to its fullest extent with me.
  13. I haven't had any classes, per se, but I think I would know how to beat people up. I'm signing up for a class soon, though.
  14. You got it, pal. I have no idea exactly when that is but w/e. 9_9

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