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Posts posted by MapleRose

  1. I'm planning to eventually do Reverse Class Conquest where every character must Heart Seal to their alt class as soon as they're recruited but that'll require doing gold DLC solely for purchasing Heart Seals and I've been too lazy to start. Probably with a rule that Corrin must be something silly like a Monk.

    You know, "In chapter 7, our defenseless Monk lord and his awkwardly-statted Bow Knight companion Felicia are joined by Elise, a Wyvern Knight with no Strength; Effie, a Troubador with all the Strength; Arthur, a half-decent Cavalier; and Silas, a promising Mercenary."

    Haha this sounds like fun actually, might try it myself some day XD (I really wish other people can give you money or items when they visit...)

    At least you'll have a good Odin! (<3 Swordmaster Odin). What about promoted units like Leo or Camilla? Do you get to pick which of their Heart Seals to use? Strategist Leo would be more useful, but Butler Leo looks better!

  2. Yeah it sucks, the skills that the children get are what the parents have in the last skill slot by the end of the chapter, even if it shows on the unit during the chapter :(

    I learned it the hard way when recruiting Shigure; Azura leveled up and replaced her last skill, and Shigure got that instead. Granted Shigure doesn't show up for his paralogue map, but I've heard the same report from a friend for another child unit.

  3. Corrin is literally the only person Azama isn't a complete dick to.

    I would only pair Azama up with Orochi, Hana, or Setsuna. Orochi 'cause she's like the only one who can keep up with him and troll him back; Hana 'cause she wouldn't take shit from him; and Setsuna 'cause she's too oblivious to his insults.

    That's 2 more than Camilla's supports I liked >_<

    Ryoma and Camilla was disappointing. Hinoka and Xander's was so cute; despite Hinoka's obsession with Corrin, their support managed to be something not about Corrin. I wished Ryoma and Camilla's was like that too. The only part of the support I liked was at the end of the S (and only because I found it funny), where Ryoma was awkward about it and Camilla's like "remove that chin armor and kiss me already" XD

    I love Odin, but unfortunately I don't like most of his romantic supports. Most people don't seem to get his... dramatic-ness, or barely tolerate it. This includes his support with Corrin. I married him in Conquest 'cause I personally like Odin's odd ways, but Corrin doesn't seem to agree with me, she seems to have just "gotten used to it" :( It's not as bad as Odin and Azura though, where she just brushes him off :(

  4. Unfortunately I generally don't often use Corrinsexual units because they can't support with anyone else.... I really really really wish they could support with a few other characters though. They don't even need to reach S support with anyone other than Corrin ('cept Scarlet, 'cause Ryoma x Scarlet otp), but more convos with other characters to flesh out their characters would be great, especially since most of them don't have much development in the plot (eg Reina).

    Yukimura gets the worst of it having a late recruitment and having most of his plot-involvement happen off-screen.

    Also he's only available on one path. His support actually reveals some pretty interesting info. Same with Fuga. But I feel like unless you're a completionist and want to grind out all the supports, most people don't even see those, which is a shame.

  5. I used Shigure as an offensive unit in Conquest (Arthur dad). I made him into a Kinshi Knight, and while he doesn't have a lot of Str, his high Skill/Spd makes up for it; I gave him Sol and Astra. Astra helps him kill things 'cause he would usually crit half of those Astra hits. I'm not sure if it's Shigure, or if it's Kinshi Knights (I really like this class)

    As for his character... I'm pretty neutral about it, I don't really dislike him, but he's not that interesting either =\

  6. Lol I love Saizo and Oboro's support. I wish we could see Ryoma's face in the last panel XD

    Also, I stared at the 3rd panel for like a minute, trying to figure out why Saizo looks so odd... it's 'cause he doesn't have his mask! It looks... wrong.

    Almost as wrong as Azama opening his eyes, haha. I think Izana actually has a sprite where his eyes are open. He looks pretty kawaii with Mitama eyes

  7. My friend was just telling me how she paired Xander and Selena in her Conquest playthrough, which meant Xander became king.... and then disappeared after marrying. What a great (and short lived) king XD

    Hmm Charlotte's Odin/Laslow paired ending say they send their daugnter an allowance. So like, is the Awakening world actually connected to the Fates world? Can people freely travel back and forth? How does one send an allowance across worlds/universes?

    Thank you for these!

    I'm curious as to why Leo and Niles end up helping Valla, rather than Nohr...

    The ones where Leo and Niles end up helping Valla are if they married MU. So I guess they'd rather help their spouse than Xander

  8. Awww.... I kinda wonder why they took that out, when they kept in the underwear models in the accessory shop and through raider weapons....

    For anyone who didn't play the Japanese version and is upset they missed this:
    don't be. The models look awful 90% of the time, they were not meant to be viewed this close, and the water effect is terrible. They sit stone-still in weird positions, their low-poly hands look absurd and fin-like, and the water draws attention to their faces, which are flat and awkward.
    The guys don't even have nipples

    But, but look at Niles's face! Dat expression XD

  9. Rather than blatant clones, they could've brought the original characters instead(or don't include them at all).

    I think people just don't care with Yukimura, not hate. Instead of picking someone they hate, they just pick the one who's least interesting.

    My headcanon is that Caeldori Asugi and Rhajat are reincarnations of the Awakening characters. But yeah they do seem like watered down versions, 'cause a huge part of Cordelia is her unrequited love for Chrom, and when you take that away.... she's not that interesting I guess.

    That makes sense, Yukimura is likely the least used unit, so people don't care about him rather than actively hate him.

  10. Why are the non-paired ending superior?

    I agree, they're so much more informative! I guess probably due to character limit. But the one for Corrin's Valla one tells you what happened to the Bottomless canyon that you'd not know about otherwise =\

    No problem at all.

    I think you mean "Darn Laslow and/or Odin, kidnapping women!". Selena's kidnappings are only implied!

    I think the reason why Ryoma's Revelation ending doesn't mention Valla, might be due to a word limit or something similar (if you saw the Japanese versions of the character endings, then you would notice how they're a little bit longer then compared to the English versions). Like, Ryoma's Revelation ending in the Japanese version did mention that Hoshido and Valla did merge after the war.

    "Ryouma, who became a husband, became the King of Hoshido, and devoted his life to the restoration of the rough war-ravaged country. It is said that Hoshido and Touma were bound by a strong bond."

    As for why Xander's ending mentions a merging while Ryoma's didn't... I'm not so sure, myself. To make them different from each other, I guess?

    Ah I see, that makes sense. Yay for stealing land from Nohr! XD

    Woah I didn't notice before but the Rev paired endings for Odin and Laslow:

    "Odin mysteriously vanished after the war but one day reappeared with his wife and no explanation."

    "Laslow dissapeared after the war, but one day he simply reappeared. He impressed at every royal dance."

    D-Did they find a way to come back?!?! Did they slip through the Before Awakening DLC portal? =O

    I feel a little sad for Ophelia and Soleil though, 'cause for most of the ending variations, it seems implied that their parents went back, but they stayed.

  11. Can you still get special dialogue with your spouse in the hot spring even if you don't give them a head towel?

    Yeah the head towel just makes them show up more often. I found that if I give them the towel, go do a battle, they're usually there afterwards.

    I wanted to have family bathing bonding time, by giving Ryoma, Kana, and Shiro head towels. But alas it's not a thing that can happen =( I encountered just Kana and Shiro in the bath once, and got chased out. Shiro treats me the same whether I'm his mother or I'm unrelated to him. I guess he's too old to want to bathe with his mom XD

  12. Thanks for the compilation! I wish there was more customization with pairings like Awakening had. I guess there's just too many characters?

    Darn Awakening Trio, kidnapping people!

    Wait a minute...
    "Xander, her beloved husband, was crowned King of Nohr. Together they united Nohr and Valla."

    "Ryoma was crowned King of Hoshido, and his rule led to an era of unprecedented peace."

    Why is only Nohr and Valla united if MU marries Xander, but Hoshido and Valla not united if MU marries Ryoma (which is what I did)???

    I mean, I guess it's implied? If you marry either Ryoma or Xander, then two of the kingdoms would merge? Does that mean you basically conned one kingdom into giving some land to the other (since Valla consists of parts of Hoshido and Nohr)? XD

  13. Woah a popularity poll where Camilla didn't win on the female side?

    I find it ironic that the 2/3 2nd gen Awakening clones ranked so high on the "least fave" list, considering that they're in Fates in the first place because they were clones of the most popular characters from Awakening.

    I have a feeling people dislike Male Kana so much partially because of his voice; he does have a crit line where his voice cracks =(

    I'm a little sad Yukimura has so much hate; it's probably because people didn't even use him, being a Corrinsexual you get really late. His support with Corrin is pretty informative and kind of sweet

  14. It's so sad how my poor Kana gets friendzoned in the localization T__T I wonder why though, because not all of Kana's support ended in friendzoning (his S with Selkie for example). If they were trying to make him not understand love 'cause he's too young, then why don't all of his supports end with being friendzoned?

    Silas and Elise's support chain is cute, up until A, then the S makes me feel a bit uncomfortable... "I like you like a little sister, wait no, that was just an excuse, I actually love you as a woman", uhh...... I noped out of that S

    Saizo and Felicia... was mostly Saizo bullying Felicia >__< Same with Azama and Sakura. How did those ever end in marriage??

  15. Also, I'd say that whether Ryoma "actually" knew anything or not and whether Mikoto's letter "actually" exists or not is questionable. This information only comes up in S ranks of support conversations. And every character with an S ranked support can only ever be involved in one such support per playthrough. Meaning that if character A were to S rank character B instead of character C the information in the S rank support conversation between characters A and C becomes inaccessable for the remainder of that playthrough, meaning that it doesn't exist for said playthrough. As such, I'd say that no piece of information that is only brought up in S rank conversations can be considered "universally" true and thus can not serve as an explanation, justification, ect. for anything, meaning it should not be treated as fact.

    I agree that in a universe where Corrin doesn't marry Hinoka/Takumi/Sakura, the letter would not exist, because Mikoto would not foresee that they would fall in love with Corrin, therefore no need for the letter. So in that universe, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura, and Corrin all don't know that Sumeragi isn't Corrin's real dad.

    However, I feel like Ryoma's case is different, because Sumeragi told him not because he's worried Ryoma might one day fall in love with Corrin, since he didn't have powers of foresight. I feel like Sumeragi would have told Ryoma the truth regardless, because Ryoma is his heir, and Sumeragi didn't want the truth to die with him or something. It's only in the universe where Ryoma does fall in love with Corrin that he tells her about it. Otherwise he wouldn't have said anything and Corrin wouldn't know (probably because Sumeragi or Mikoto told him not to tell anyone, as the first thing Ryoma says before revealing the truth is apologize to them).

  16. You mean they managed to brew something like this? It would at least make some sense...

    Woah, thanks for the link!

    I think it makes the most sense if Hoshido just allowed for concubines, if the timeline makes is so that Mikoto was in Hoshido while Ikona was alive. So when Mikoto and Corrin came to Hoshido, Sumeragi just make her into a concubine. When Ikona died, she was "promoted" to queen. That's why everyone respects Mikoto, after some initial bumps. Nobody seems to look down on Corrin because they believe he/she is Sumeragi's child, which is why I guess only Ryoma knew, and he didn't tell anyone.

    Oh yeah, I forgot that Arete died because of the curse, "to protect Nohr". I wish there was more backstory on how that went down (or is there, and I just forgot/missed it?). Was Garon's corruption directly related to Arete dying?

  17. I'm having a tough time deciding on what Sakura should promote to in Birthright. Should she go Onmyoji or Priestess?

    I have her as Priestess 'cause she has a custom outfit (Mikoto's) as one. If you have a Shining bow she's really good with it, but she also has decent strength to use a Kill bow for example. I guess it depends on what the rest of your team looks like and whether you want another archer or a mage

  18. Haha this is a hilarious idea. If you manage to make it work with Yukimura, make sure all of them have Replicate XD

    BoF has worked for me as well, my Kanas from different paths logged as separate entries in the log book. Though I found that if I just copied the savefile midway through a run, the units from those two savefiles would replace each other.

  19. Alright. OP got me confused for a second there with that claim

    Oops, that was my mistake, I forgot about Sakura and Corrin's A; I just assumed she was born after the kidnapping because Elise was, and I thought they were the same age..

    Even if he did cheat on Ikona with Mikoto (though there's no indication that he acted on his feelings for her before Ikona's death), Sumeragi still has nothing on Garon. I'm actually more curious as to why Garon decided to choose Arete as his second wife despite probably having a dozen concubines at the time. It's not like their marriage stopped him from having more children with other women, since Leo and Elise (among others, probably) were born after Azura was integrated into Nohr. Maybe he just has a thing for singers? Though my theory is that Arete didn't really mind his promiscuity because she mainly married him in hopes that her ties to Garon would protect her and Azura from Anankos, which obviously didn't work out.

    On a non-blue haired singer related note, this thread made me realize that I like complicated plots. It's more interesting and fun to put the threads together. No wonder I like Kingdom Hearts and BlazBlue.

    When Garon married Arete, was that before or after he became Ananko's pawn? If it was after, then maybe Anankos was keeping an eye on Arete through Garon? Or she's just really pretty or something.

    I thought about it some more, and we don't actually know if Polygamy is disallowed / frowned upon in Hoshido, so it could be that it's perfectly normal that Sumeragi took Mikoto as a second wife while Ikona is still married (and after Ikona died Mikoto took the role as Queen)? Though Ryoma can't S with more than one female, but maybe that's just his choice?

    I'm curious now why Mikoto is still the Queen. Shouldn't Ryoma have become King when he came of age?

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