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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Does anyone find FE8 way too easy to beat due to the extra maps and the multiple weapons to kill the demon king. I personally think is not that challenging at all IMHO. You could easily take advanage of your armies by leveling them up at Tower/Ruins/skirmish abuse which is quite similar to arena abuse but MUCH easier and faster ways seeing as you can retreat in the middle of battle when doing so. Also during the first encounter in the game I also notice that enemy bosses aren't that much of a challenge comparing to their other GBA FE games especially on HM not what I expected and also quite disapointing. Secret characters like bosses such as Valter, Caellach, Selena and Reiv in the game are basically no better than pre-promotes because of their start off stats/boss stats when you first unlock him making those secret characters useless comparing to your other characters that you recruit through the story and you can't even use them when playing at the link arena solo. The only reason why I would consider playing the Creature Campaign is so that I could get my hands on Lyon's dark infinite tome Naglfar so that I could give it to either Knoll or Ewan FTW. And also get my hands on his Hammerne at the same time.
  2. I was gonna begin my playthrough for HM(Maniac Mode) but before I do so I was just curious as to exactly how hard is FE10 HM anyways?
  3. Comparing to other games such as FE4 swordmasters they were godly in FE4 until got nerfed in the GBA games no thanks to their nerfed critical hit rate 15% and even worse strength growth than usual in FE7. FE6's and FE8's Swordmasters were decent enough and much better than FE7's. But I don't like any Swordmasters other than Lyn who's better off as my Bow Lord in FE7 <_< And again, you could always get another Wo Dao from Karla if you were to play Hector's Mode or HHM OR you could use Hammerne to repair it as well. Brave Sword is much rarer and its the ONLY one in the game, and it can be used by many more units unlike the Wo Dao however. It's no better than a Killing Edge but only Myrmidons/Swordmasters exclusive, more Critical Bonus than that of Killing Edge and less damage inflict to enemies when use. Wo Dao is my least favorite weapon in the game anyways. Thats why I perfer Killing Edge over Wo Dao. <_<
  4. Wow I guess that makes the the only asian here so far...<_
  5. Just another one of my boredom topic to getting to know you guys so if you want feel free to reply the following questions. Favorite Food or Drink: Interests: Orientation: Background: Religious View: Favorite Color: Favorite TV Shows: Favorite Books: Favorite Movie: Favorite Quotes: Political Views: Relationship Status: Dislike: Your Hero or Heroes: I guess I'll tell you guys about myself then: Favorite Food or Drink: I like strawberries, rice, noodles, raisins, french fries Interests: Friends, Politics, Law Orientation: Straight Background: 87.5 Chinese and 12.5 Korean Religious View: Atheist Favorite Color: Blue Favorite TV Shows: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Code Geass...pretty much animes Favorite Books: Anything on Noam Chomsky Favorite Movie: 300 Favorite Quotes: Too lazy to right down so later Political Views: Democrates Relationship Status: Single Dislike: Trolls Your Hero or Heroes: Chuck Norris, Noam Chomsky, Stephen Hawking, David Suzuki
  6. Anyways my favorite Dragon Generals of all would have to be Murdock. His stats are so INSANE on HM. He's the manliest character ever; cause of his 20 Cons, its just too manly!
  7. And just so you know that personal experience means nothing in the game.
  8. This is the site of where I got my information from: http://www.rpgdl.com/FE.php I NEVER reasearch off games from GameFaqs. GameFaq's board is completely corrupt by trolls thus their topic board is full of crap. One time, I saw lots of posts bashing on Ike; claiming he's a bad character on the of the that sites board and I was like WTF?! There are plenty of boards that are corrupt other than that. I prefer to spend my free time at Fire Emblem Fusion Forum. They have like a whole list of debates for FE4 to FE10.
  9. I think you made a small miscalculation there. its actually 14 con for Dorcas when hes a Fighter... Bartre average out 17.8 speed at Lv. 20/20 and Dorcas average out 13.2 speed at Lv.20/20 Warriors. Hawkeye starts out at 11 speed when you first recruit him
  10. Why the hell would you even bother consider promoting him to a ranger. Rangers are just complete offspring of FE6 and FE7's Nomadic Troopers but lack of looks/coolness and they have complete different animations comparing to their counterpart Nomadic Troopers. Also promoting Gerik to a Ranger won't even fit his character at all. I mean sure most people would perfer him as a ranger but hes completely stuck with mainly bow which is a total lack short range attacks than swords. <_<
  11. You do realize that Raven can't even wield a simple Iron Axe without a penalty because of his atrocious 9 Con eliminating what little speed he has comparing to other heroes in the game, same applies for Oujay as well considering he to suffers a speed penalty as well as Raven because he too has 9 Con. Thus, he wasn't really meant to wield any axe IMHO. He was only meant to wield swords such as Regal Blade since he can only wield any other sword lower or equal to his Con. Unless you give him a Body Ring or two he shouldn't have any problem of wielding any axe especially Basilikos. However, those Rings could've been given to other people who desperately needs it.
  12. The title says it all, now whats yours? (Ike[FE10] is not included <_<) I pick Raven, just because of his character and his personality. Also he's my number 1 hero in the GBA FE, especially he gets a additional HM bonus making him much more worth it in EHM/HHM.
  13. is there any reason why there's fair a bit of artwork for FE8? <_
  14. Yeah there's really no point of getting Karel and his Wo Dao anyways when you can always get that weapon from Karla while playing HM or HHM...<_
  15. Pent is the best Pre-promote ever. Expert players (such as me for instance) consider him the best Sage in FE7. His average stats at lv 20/20 are almost equal to that of Erk's except HP. Nino will have the edge overall, but her major problem is that she joins extremely late and extremely underleveled, which is incredibly difficult to use her on HHM. She gets killed easily when you first play her in HHM, considering shes only Lv. 5 Mage and that she requires A LOT of babysitting. Pent also starts off with an A-level support, which is a huge help if you're going for an S rank in tactics. Pent gains alot of EXP, unlike both Erk and Nino who gain's fair abit of EXP. Pent starts off with an A rank is staves. I barely get Erk up to C or B rank staff unless I do the arena for heals(which would be pretty silly so I won't), and Nino joins relatively late that its impossible ever get her to even D Rank...thus its there aren't any arena left to abuse in staff. Thats why Pent is better IMHO, best Sage ever in FE7.
  16. Now what you said just now is so not true. Both Harken and Karel are easier to recruit depending what map your playing. For instance, Harken is easier to recruit when confronting Jerme on his map. Karel is easier to recruit when confronting Kenneth on his map. And if your playing either one of these map both of them are the exact opposite.
  17. Personally, I pick Lloyd the most of all because of his relaxing cool look and personality. He gets a unique battle sprite animation that's very different from the normal swordmaster sprite which so happens to be much different than any regular swordmasters in the game. He looks simply cool with that coat IMHO. If only there was like a trial map or some sort and that he were playable...
  18. I disagree: First of all, Zealot's average stats shows that he is more than qualifies for him to be a Jeigan. Secondly, You get Zealot at Rebellion of Ostia. Its not even anywhere near later in the game comparing to other chapters which there are a total of 32 Chapters in the game(Including the Gaiden Chapters) Making him more useful as a meatshield later in the game.
  19. Quite true, same applies for Zealot although I have to admit Zealot tends to be better than Marcus in FE6 IMHO
  20. Now thats not true, Seth shouldn't count as a Jeigan. His total stat growths are much higher than of any of the cavaliers through the game. Especially his own game. He's more of a Oifaye archetype same applies for Titania in PoR. Average Stats comparing in his game: Seth: 85%, 50%, 45%, 45%, 40%, 30%, 25% Kyle: 85%, 50%, 40%, 40%, 20%, 25%, 20% Forde: 80%, 40%, 50%, 45%, 35%, 20%, 25% Franz: 80%, 40%, 40%, 50%, 40%, 25%, 20% Amelia: 70%, 40%, 40%, 40%, 50%, 30%, 15% Here Seth is my favorite Paladin throughout the game.
  21. Chad > Cath > Astol You get her much later on unlike Chad you get him much earlier <_<
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