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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Well you certainly put me on the spot, I guess I mind as well accept your fact. Although I still don't like Runesword personally.
  2. FE6: I'm nearly completed the HM but I just haven't getting it around lately. FE7: Finish HHM and it was a total pain. Never going there again. FE8: I single handily beat it. Not that challenging IMHO. FE9: I haven't getting around it lately. FE10: Haven't attempted that yet, so maybe later.
  3. Or you don't have to you can always hex edit the game. However, you could always end up screwing up you game But he's saying Chad could have been the youngest Assassin if it weren't for Colm that is.
  4. Personal Experience means nothing. It's a phrase thats been around with almost all serious FE debate forums for quite sometime. It's to show that just because something happened to you doesn't mean it should hold any weight in a real debate. Usually, only actual character averages count. For instance, I have a nearly maxed out Roy at 20/20 Master Lord with no stat boosters whatsoever(believe it or not) other than a Boot and a Body Ring. You have any idea how rare that is to see that? I could just argue and say that Roy is the greatest Lord in the game but since it happened once through personal experience, it doesn't mean a thing to other people. And like I said, usually only stat averages matter for ranking characters statistically. FE is governed completely by mathematics and probability. All stat growths can be determined exactly, and they're easily comparable between characters. Average stats The purpose of this site is to show how they turn out average more than any specific order. That's why they're called "averages". It's also unlikely to have every single stat hit the exact percent, chances are at least a few will land, and it all comes down to average. Thus, it's good to have any guarantees in order to prevent any RNG screw-overs through any gameplays. Even for beginners. You cannot argue if Roy is the worst lord in the game judging your personal experience.
  5. hmmm your right...but then again this video is not that convincing seeing as its obviously hacked. Plus, I didn't see Runesword's critical animations...
  6. Like YOU said it effects characters Crit, Avo which I just finished saying. I wasn't really counting Swordmasters in this game seeing as their broken.... So is FE7 and FE8 And yes of course stats means everything, they affect weapons stats as well Also you list is out of order. You listed them as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10 <_<
  7. Currently in: Facebook(with numerous mainly gaming groups it should count as a forum <_<) Serenes Forest Forums Fire Emblem Sanctuary of Strategy - Currently active but on GEOS but I don't really care anymore <_< Sites that I wanted to register but don't have the time to do so(I usually read what they have to say<_<
  8. The only unit that I would consider promoting to a Wyvern Knight would be Tana. She turns out really well as a Wyvern Knight and her stats as a Wyvern Knight is much higher than a Falco Knight. Whenever I use her she kinda reminds me of Jill from FE9/FE10 just because of the pony tail. ^_^
  9. Are you sure? Because according to Vincent's site on FE6's weapons list Runesword has a critical rate of 0% it will take a high protential sword-users with much high Luck in order for them to critical with a Runesword in this game. I used Vincent's site to compared the two weapons: Runesword and Light Brand between both FE6's and FE7's and its most likely the same thing except again Runesword has a hit of 60% which is much lower than the ones in FE7 which have 65%. So theoretically, Runesword in FE6 is much weaker comparing to the Runesword in FE7 because of the 60% and the 65% hit. Light Brand on the other hand, is the same as usual: 9Wt 9Mt 70Hit 0Crt.
  10. Who really cares of what he did? he's not a antagonist.
  11. Well ebay is pretty much the first place to look for. I checked stuff on FE but sadly they don't have it. :( You can however try it at: http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-19-71-99-49-...ire+Emblem.html but theres not guarantee that you'll find it. <_<
  12. But if you compare Ike as a Hero in FE10 would leave a whole: His HP would be 50 which is not fair when competing with the GBA Lords who able to max 60...
  13. Not even Wishblade which happens to be the strongest lance weapon? (by far)
  14. It would've been a good use against Ashnard just because of the Weapon Triangle <_<.
  15. Of course the game itself would be pretty boring with no actions/battle animations <_<.
  16. I meant the weapon hit. By using your website of the weapon info I compared the Runesword between FE6 and FE7. FE6's have a hit of 60% while FE7's have a hit of 65%.
  17. uhh Marth = Guy <_< Although he does look like a girl in SSBB.
  18. Well IF that really were to likely happen anyways my strategy would involve Sothe to steal his Speedwing first then kill him after he dropped his Wishblade <_<. But what are the chances of that ever happening?
  19. Ironically, I consider Bow to be the worst weapon in the game just because the lack of near-range attacks.
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