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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Thats not how that goes on Ephraim's storyline since I often play his mode.
  2. I actually like Luna tome to be honest. Its consider to be the most broken tome in this game giving you the advantage in the final chapter...
  3. I never really use him along with any other cavaliers. I use Seth just because you don't have to waste a promotion item on him.
  4. FE1-3: Never bother attempting playing it. FE4: Played it and beat it. Best Storyline ever! FE5: I got it started, but sadly I haven't gotten around it lately. FE6: Beat it, and I'm close to unlocking Murdock! FE7: Beat it. FE8: Beat it and it was NOTHING. Especially playing their HM. I could even beat the game without doing the Towers/Ruins. FE9: Beat it. FE10: Done it. My next attempt is playing FE10 HM a.k.a. Maniac Mode.
  5. Snipers are my least favorite unit of all and is consider to be the worst amongst all class due to their lack of close combat or shall say melee. Ranger...another spin-off of FE6/7's Nomadic Troopers. I would have pick them since they can attack at melee with Swords and long range with of course Bows, but their sword animation looks so idiotic that it makes me want to laugh at them for having the most stupidest battle animation ever. Honestly, whoever thought of that most ridiculous animation should die. In otherwords, I pick neither. They both of them sucks. I would have pick Nomadic Troopers since they have the coolest animations of all. (Both Swords and Melee). If they were in the game I would obviously choose them since they're one of my favorites. Snipers actually don't get a Crit. bonuses at all.
  6. Actually I didn't really get it when you said "It depends on how blessed/screwed you are." I assume it has to do with luck =S
  7. Nah, there aren't any chances of either of them criticaling eachother so theres no way either of them are screwed. And theres no luck involving. Remember, that were talking about Ephraim VS. Eirika assuming all stats are cap including Luck(30). So theres not chances of either of them criticaling at all. And evading the attacks too. :) And again how is the link arena is retarted? It helps alot me lol
  8. Yeah only higher Def by one. And even if I didn't do the link arena battles the results will be the same either way and I even did the math. So how is it retarted? I was just proving my point with that.
  9. Now thats not true, Ephraim has a Def cap of 23 which is much lower that his Spd of 24. Summary of the battle between both Ephraim(MAXED) VS. Eirika(MAXED) with their legendary weapons in the link arena: Ephraim hits Eirika Eirika hits Ephraim Eirika counters Next turn: Eirika hits Ephraim Ephraim dies Eirika wins And I did not say anything about not refering to the weapon triangles at all. What makes you say that?
  10. Fourth Fox of Fire, there are 2 MAJOR problems with what you've just said there. And you've certainly did not really listen to what I've said at all: 1: At promotion, Ephraim promotes to Great Lord. Which is a mounted unit and it so happens that they have weakness from not only from Prf weapons but Zanbato/Horseslayer/Halberd. And if any units hit Ephraim with that, he is good as raped. 2: He won't even dodge that much attacks seeing as he has a Spd cap of 24 (a promotion bonuses out of all the classes). He's also completely stuck with just Lance, which means very limited control of the weapon triangle and a lack of dodging any enemy attacks. What makes you think he can most likely dodge infantry weapon attacks with a cap of 24? (Don't refer to enemy units) And theoretically yes, Ephraim is consider to be one of the best lords throughout the game due to his high stat growths and due to the fact that he the ONLY Lord throughout the game thats primary to Lance weapons.
  11. Ephraim is like any other lords. Same league as Eliwood in terms of caps. He gains an extra move ability, but he becomes more vulnerable to cavalry-slaying and prf weapons. Basically Eirika can butcher him with a Raiper if they were to do the arena links. She could even double him assuming if all of their stats are cap. I did the calculation and playing the link arena battles. Eirika can beat Ephraim regardless of the weapon triangle since Eirika could able to double attack. (seeing as shes like a mounted swordmaster that lacks of critical hits)
  12. Yes it is, Ephraim becomes more vulnerable against cavalry and prf weapons meaning we won't dodge as much. Also Ephraim needs more than a low cap of 24 to make up for his Str...
  13. Ironically all Valkyries are not the greatest. Except for the Mist in FE9/10.
  14. They're my least favorite units of all along with snipers, but I'm gonna go for Cecilia from FE6 just because you don't have to waste a Guiding Ring on her. Edit: Also, why did you include Ursula on the list? Its not like shes playable or something so its pretty pointless...
  15. Exactly how many NPC Knights needs to survive in order to obtain Light Brand on this chapter?(which I'm currently playing) I need exact numbers.
  16. You want to just insert the spoiler warnings the next time because not all of us played the game you know...
  17. I would give it to Lyn seeing as she kinda needs it, but then again I never gave Afa's drop to anyone.
  18. ohhh...it seems Nergal and Sephiran are tied. I wonder who would win?
  19. okay?..........so..........whats for dinner?
  20. Its a typical FE's tradition really, every main characters father usually ends up dying. <_
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