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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Just to be clear, NOT ALL PRE-PROMOTES ARE BAD! There are noble pre-promotes that are consider to be excellent for their standard regards. These are the following: Good Pre-promotes: Oifey (one of my favorite archetypes) Fin Pent Harken Jaffar Percival (being the only one in his game) Seth Titania Really bad ones are the Jeigan archetypes such as the following: Jeigan (himself) Cuan Eyvel Marcus (FE6) Zealot Marcus (FE7) Orson
  2. Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (FE4) would me by favorite of all the list. -Sigurd, one of the greatest Lords throughout the series -Special feature is that you can actually revive your units when they're dead -Best plot twist storyline ever encountered. The only problem was that most people that I've talked to have never played this game. <_<
  3. No offense, but the 3 brothers could OHKOed the 3 sisters. Triangle attack Bows >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Triangle attack Pegasus Knights <_<
  4. No, I think he's talking to coolguyvater since he said Boyd's hair is black.
  5. The 3 brothers each have different green hair, so what? What does the 3 sisters have in common? F letters to begin their name? <_<
  6. And you post through the introduction board...why? This topic should have been in far far away from the forest.
  7. Vincent is just pulling your leg. Vincent is in fact Angel Sword: Memories.
  8. You guys don't know whats VincentASM stands for at all? It seems as if though you guys don't really hang out with him in the other FE forum. ASM means Angel Sword: Memories.
  9. That seems to be a fair point. I'm speaking specifically from why I don't like Valkyrie's. L'Arachel can be fun storywise. Also, why are you guys acting silly? "*running*" ???
  10. ...wait a minute, I think I've seen you before over at FESS.
  11. Your not even helping yourself, so why are you even bother posting anyways?
  12. Not true. On HM certain enemies such as enemy Swordmasters, Gwyllgi, and Draco Zombies would most likely doubled attacking the Valkyrie's. And yes, somewhat low spd is a disadvantage for them when confronting lets say either the enemy Swordmasters, Gwyllgi, and Draco Zombies because they can double attack Valkyrie's. And theres clearly no way Valkyries can dodge from their attacks at all seeing as their Spd cap is really low when confronting those enemies during battle when carrying such higher Wgh tomes. And most likely those enemies would dodge the Valkyries attacks since they have to carry such heavy tomes and that Spd and Con is what's getting in their ways. Also Valkyrie's have really poor HP growth. Also...why in the world you even bringing up infinite stat boosters topic? That's just cheap talk. If your going to do that then theres no sense of debating. L'Arachel was meant to have 6 Cons to begin with.
  13. I don't like Valkyrie's because of their completely low Spd cap of 25 as well as having much lower potential con's as oppose to any other magic users. Excluding the female sages. For instance, by giving lets say L'Arachel a S Light tome Ivaldi. Because the tome weighs a lot for even her to handle, it could eliminate what little Spd average she has by 4%. Not only that, they're also weak against anti-horseback weapons of the same level, which hurt their cause even more as well as making them vulnerable during battle.
  14. It's probably mainly because Valkyrie's aren't a great class if thats the case.
  15. By using Athos, it usually gives the beginners the opportunity to help beat the game.
  16. I certainly do. I mostly use her for healing mainly. Even though Valkyrie's/Mage Knight are my least favourite units in the FE's GBA.
  17. Yes, I use him all the time in the final chapter. In fact, I always saved up all the stat boosters that I've obtained from the beginning of Eliwood and Hector's mode and give them all to Athos. Not only that, but I saved up 2 Luna as well so that I can equip it with him of course. Yeah, this is my Athos. I gave him all my stat boosters as I said. He could even go solo on the final chapter as well(which I've already done).
  18. A sequel to the the first series of Code Geass which took place one year later after the failed attempted of The Order of the Black Knights to liberate Area 11 formerly known as Japan. Zero was believed to be dead. Lelouch who was rebellious to his past as Zero somehow lost all his memories of him ever being Zero. . Upon his encounter with C.C. once again during the attack in Babel Tower, it was then she revealed Lelouch's past, as well as his purpose and hisself. Now that he regained his memories, he now set off as Zero to finish off what he had left off, to eliminate Britannia. Strongly recommend watching the first series if you have not yet watch it.
  19. Yeah, I've played it. It's very interesting. Highly recommend it for hardcore RPGers.
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