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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Also, if anyone is thinking of getting this game. I heard its discontinued, no stores would have them. Your only option is to either get them off of eBay or such, but I can't be certain that they would have it.
  2. I don't really think Raven was even meant to carry a Axe due to his low Con.
  3. Yeah, I just took a look at Play-Asia, quite frankly they're out of stock. =(
  4. You could give the Body Ring to him, I don't see why not. But you could have giving it to someone who REALLY needs it such as Lyn or Guy for instance.
  5. Personally, I'd make him go for S Rank Sword, Regal Blade. Giving him a S Rank Axe as well as equip him with Axe would reduce what little speed average he has. Which is still bad IMO. Raven just have the right 9 Con to even carry Regal Blade since it just weighs enough for him, simply put it won't take away him fair amount of speed since Regal Blade weighs is 9. Plus, Swords>Axe due to weapon triangle.
  6. They might have it, but its either sold out. I checked eBay and quite frankly, they don't have it at all. =(
  7. Your absolutely right, the year of the Horse begins for people who's born between 27 January 1990 to 14 February 1991. I was born in September 20, 1990 surely I'm clearly not a snake since my birth date ain't anywhere between 6 February 1989 to 26 January 1990 which is way before I was even born. Normally, those people whose born in those between those dates are consider to be a Metal Attributes.
  8. Yeah, I also assume the lottery part...is it a joke? But yeah, is that all a ASM hack can do? Sorry, its against the rules. You shouldn't even be asking from ROM's anyways. Normally, you'd probably be banned for this request.
  9. I can't imagine you even bringing Meg, she shouldn't even be in the end game. Unless your just screwing around.
  10. Mario Kart doesn't look too appealing compared to F-Zero's vehicles.
  11. Yeah, thats what I've been wondering...<_<
  12. You guys talk as if this AP exams means everything, is it that big of a deal?
  13. I wonder what would the name of Marth's promotion class be...?
  14. FE4: Lakche FE5: Shanam FE6: Percival FE7: Raven FE8: Colm FE9: Ike FE10: Ike
  15. Getting the actual JP cartridge for the GBA is a lot of trouble since I heard its pretty hard to get now. Especially in Japan.
  16. I played F-Zero AX for arcade and it was amazing...I wish they could have a new F-Zero game for the Wii.
  17. here I don't really know anything Hex Editor nor the program you'd just posted. But I was able to follow your instructions. Is this what you'd asked for?
  18. Can Marth be promoted in this game?, I heard that the original version Marth as a Lord cannot be promoted.
  19. When I mean by broken, I meant her stats are way too low to enter battle.
  20. Is the story not that great? And I'm probably gonna rent it or something, seeing as you guys seem to enjoy this game.
  21. The artistic designs looks that of the GBA Kingdom Hearts....
  22. It's pretty obvious Heather don't deserve the Baselard either. Also, why would you ever bring Heather in the final chapter anyways? I mean c'mon shes just like Sothe, theres no way she can be in your end game. Unless your doing a all-female run-through or you happen to love her. <_<
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