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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. I'd say HP matters the most here. Res on the other hand doesn't really matter as much when your playing any normal modes. However when playing HHM, thats where it matters.
  2. My bad, I never played FE2. But yeah I find Eyvale to be overpowered in her game...
  3. I found out this site from the old FESS.
  4. -Fatigue system -Capturing characters -Leaf being crap... Thracia 776 is probably like one of the most hardest FE game of all.
  5. Giving him a Body Ring would prevent any Speed loss as well as enabling him to use Axe with no problem, but again, those Rings should go to someone who really need them.
  6. Perhaps, Raven speed is translates into a good accuracy as well as supports factors for his durability after all.
  7. Unless your just messing around. <_< Remember, Axe has poor accuracy compare to any weapons by Ranks. Sure Axe can be more useful and more powerful in battle. But clearly, Raven shouldn't be carrying any Axe at all.
  8. This is suppose to be a FE forum to begin with not a chatroom, thats the only reason why I even register here. And you don't need to FE board. It was just a suggestion anyways.

  9. Well its going to matter if you were to bring him in the final chapters as such. Because Raven is more than qualify to be part of your end game team. Lets say if he were to do battle with Lloyd or Linus. That is where Raven will be in a tight situation if he were to us any Axes. Especially with the weapon triangles. As stated earlier Raven has a Con of 9 as well as averaging out 26 speed without the HM Bonus. Any axes that he choose to carry will hurt is overall performance, especially in the Final Chapter: 12 Wt from the Hand Axe/Silver Axe - 9 Con = -3 Spd loss 10 Wt from the Iron Axe/Poison Axe/Emblem Axe - 9 Con = -1 Spd loss 15 Wt from the Steel Axe/Halberd/Hammer - 9 Con = -6 Spd loss 18 Wt from the Devil Axe - 9 Con = -9 Spd loss 13 Wt from the Swordreaver/Swordslayer - 9 Con = -4 Spd loss 14 Wt from the Tomahawk - 9 Con = -5 Spd loss 16 Wt from the Brave Axe - 9 Con = -7 Spd loss Notice the speed loss difference of each Axe if Raven were to carry? Clearly he was not meant to carry any Axe at all.
  10. What? No, no theres nothing to be sorry about. Its just that you guys keep taking advantage of other boards beside the FFtF thread. Which then eventually becomes completely off-topic. Which is quite bad seeing as the FFtF board being influenced most people here.

  11. The story is about Eikichi Onizuka who was a former gang leader set off a new goal, to become the greatest teacher. He learned the power and respect as a teacher, using his strength and connections he get his students to respect him. Now that he's graduated, he got a new job at Holy Forest Academy to handle Class 3-4 which is consider to be the most abomination class ever lived, which made numerous of past teachers quit. He then must handle a different sort of trouble and by mean trouble, it includes some that are consist of the intelligent kids in Japan which prefers to toucher their teacher slow and steady. Onizuka must then "teach" those trouble makers of Class 3-4 a lesson and earn their respect.
  12. hmmm...you seem to be interested in your studies of Japanese.

  13. Who said that I was mad at everyone?

  14. Also, does anyone think that they'd might have the new official artwork characters?
  15. The only reason why I'm against this is because you guys keep taking advantage of not only this but other boards as well. It is no wonder certain boards were closed for a reason...
  16. First of all, my name is not "Dude". Secondly, this topic is starting to become a chat room, not a actual discussion...
  17. TearRing Saga is clearly a complete rip-off of the FE series. <_<
  18. ...Does this topic even need to exist at all?
  19. You don't seem to get it at all. Raven is clearly not fit to use any Axe at all because: 1: Raven has a Con of 9. With that, he can't even carry a single Iron Axe without speed loss. Which is bad considering how much speed Raven average out at Lv. 20/20. 2: Not only that, all Axe weapons have crappy accuracy when comparing to Swords by ranks. Why would you want to give him Axe considering its very sturdy to Raven's league when he's better off carrying decent Swords such as Regal Blade.
  20. Super Famicom Wars? Thats like so old. Yeah I can imagine why. <_<
  21. Pokemon is a complete different anyways. It's pretty much all about having the right guys and the right attacks. Maybe nature but I don't think thats the case. On top of that, theres really no point of using someones strategies since your no better than the person who'd already accomplished the game. It's pretty pointless.
  22. neh, I watched the first episode before, it doesn't look that appealing to me.
  23. It's not that I want it or anything, its just that its so hard to get now. I'd bet the actual FE1 to FE5 game is too.
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