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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Since its obvious that this cannot be comprehend by now how about this: lets just simmer down a little.
  2. ...you guys seem to miss my point, I'm not saying that "if you don't do as I say then I'll leave" You guys seem to take this behavior a little too far I just ask in return to simmer down a little. I don't feel like I belong here at all.
  3. yeah, who else would be a Ranger besides Gerik?
  4. Theres no way Oswin can suck. He not only can overshadowed Wallace, but he's like one of the greatest Generals ever. Especially in his own game pretty much.
  5. ...hasn't this topic already exist? <_< And my vote would probably go to Marth.
  6. Throughout the FE's GBA you always have to promote a class with a promotion item. The earliest point that they're able to promote is Lv. 10 of higher. But seriously, who in hell would anyone consider promotion a unit at Lv. 10?
  7. Another well done work. Though I wish I'd know how to sprite =(
  8. I would give you credit for the work you've done, but it seem as though you weren't really trying at all...
  9. My bad, I was going way too fast ><
  10. Thats well said, considering I hardly know you. Even though I am one of the original members here.
  11. Don't take this personally, but I'm starting to think the more I hang out in this forum with you guys the more I'm starting to act like you guys. I'm also starting to think coming back here is a huge mistake. Not that I'm saying I hate or dislike the members at all but some of you here don't really act you age other than the Moderators in this forum. As such, if you guys just continue to not act your age in the FE board or such then I mind as well leave and rather spent my time over at FE:SS where I am currently serving my distinctive member as GEOS...
  12. J-Pop: Namie Amuro, Morning Musume, Goto Maki, Utada Hikaru, Aya Ueto, Ai Otsuka J-Rock: L'Arc~en~ciel, Orange Range, *more coming soon
  13. On Glory's Wings Finale in Fear King of the Sky Unstoppable Destiny The Pledge Stalwarts Unite Grace The Task at Hand
  14. Yes we all know Makalov suck anyways. The only excuse I would ever consider using him would be if I were to mess around my game-play. But thats not going to happen.
  15. The only Ranger I would even consider to promote would be Neimi just because of Swords. Despite the fact Rangers have like the most retarded sword animations I've ever seen...ridiculous... fix'd
  16. They already probably gotten the picture even if you didn't elaborate.
  17. It's because its pointless to have this topic to begin with. I was just proving my point anyways.
  18. ...Wow, I've already gotten this covered. It wasn't necessary for you to re-bring that up. <_<
  19. Either your just messing around or you accidentally made a typing mistake <_<
  20. I've played from: FE7 FE6 FE8 FE9 FE4 FE5 FE10 and reserved for FE1 remake.
  21. I would recommend keeping the Ocean Seal just to increase your fund. But I would sell the Fell Contract after beating Night of Farewell chapter. Oh and BTW, if you guys didn't know, the S Rank Weapons that you obtained on the Final Chapter also helps your fund as well.
  22. I was mostly referring to HHM as you can see. But if your playing Eliwood's NM then it could still help. HHM is extremely complex to get a S Rankings as you probably noticed by now.
  23. If your playing HHM since you'd obtained a Silver Card. It really depends on how much Golds you spent. I'd recommend on probably cutting out buying silver weapons or any other expensive things in the secret shops as such. Arena Abusing would increase your fund. But it could seriously hurt your Tactics rating by A LOT, you could still use the arenas for your own cause such as getting more Golds. And about using the promotion items. Assuming you have more than the same promotion items, I would give one of the same promotion items to someone who'd probably would turned out good on HHM and sell the duplicated promotion items to increase your fund. For instance, if I were to have like 2 Hero Crest, I would simply giving to someone who'd benefit on HM such as Raven who is very useful on HHM because of the HM bonus that he'd gains as a enemy to start out and sell that other duplicated promotion item. I would probably recommend using some pre-promotes such as Pent, Geitz, and Harken who is very useful with the HM bonus as well since pre-promotes usually saves you the trouble of wasting a promotion items. And if you like Assassins' use Jaffar. Also, I wouldn't use Nino when doing a Rank Run on HHM as well. Wasting tactics on training her and obviously wasting a promotion items on her. *Note: more suggestion coming soon.
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