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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Douglas, Lalum and Idoun New Crown Princess of Bern Nomads Roy VS Zephiel Roy with the Sword of Sealed Roy VS Idoun Dragon Lords Since FE7 and FE8 I'd figure FE6 should have his own CG Page. We should make a new page on this site and add those in. *Note that I manage to get most on the CG there are a few missing.
  2. Never really fond with Nintendo War series other than FE which I seemly enjoyed the most.
  3. It wouldn't be a good idea to bash on other forums. If they were to find out about this who knows what might happen to this site if we were to bash on other sites.
  4. Like I said, if you were to mess around. <_<
  5. Its pretty obvious who you gonna pick judging by your username.
  6. Because, I want to see first hand what the game would be like.
  7. I really should consider slowing down alittle while typing since I have been making a few spelling errors as well as grammars...=S
  8. http://www.typeonline.co.uk/typingspeed.php My typing speed is 106 wpm.
  9. Really? Oh I see. I never knew that. I guess I'm below average since my IQ is only 101. =(
  10. At least your not below 90. Be thanked for that. <_<
  11. How would Ike make a good Wyvern Lord if he's not that class at all?
  12. Even if you take this serious theres no way you'd get that type of number. Anyone gets between 100 to 150 are mere average anyways.
  13. Yeah you can take the IQ test, but I wouldn't recommend to doing it online but rather go to a Psychologist or such to do that. Each questions when doing the IQ are random online...
  14. Just my curiosity. Mines 101.
  15. More recent media's about this game would be good since this game is coming out pretty early...
  16. Your going to spent most of your times attempting to hack games? Thats really unfortunate.
  17. I'm left-handed. They say that if your a right-handed your left side of the brain increases your creative/artistic capabilities. And if your a left-handed, your right side of the brain increases your knowledge/logic capabilities. But theres really know scientific evidenced to prove that's theoretically true.
  18. I'm not going to be on for the next 2 months this summer because I'm going away for a while. Won't be coming back till September at the earliest point really.
  19. You guys have any clue what your doing after when schools done?
  20. It depends on which enemy you'd face. Lets say if Raven were to comfront against a enemy Swordmasters, theres no way he can double.
  21. Isn't it obvious? Ike and probably Soren's support.
  22. I'd say I fit in the category of Moderately Introverted.
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