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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. hmmm...I'd expected this topic should be closed by now...
  2. I don't see how this is irrelevant for Ike being noble. But nonetheless, he left Daien anyways. He's no longer declared one of Daien's nobles. Ike was born long before Greil even left clearly he's not noble as already said before, because he wasn't born into a ruling family.
  3. Theoretically, Ike would have if Greil haven't abandoned his title. Surely, Ike should have been possibly a noble himself for being the son of the infamous Four Riders. But due to his actions of leaving Daien he is declared no longer nobility so Ike shouldn't be noble at all because he wasn't born into a ruling family as he was possibly meant to. Also, Greil probably abandoned his titles long before Ike was even born.
  4. But your forgetting one thing, he wasn't born into a royal family now is he? Technically he would be consider to be a father of a general but still not royal blooded.
  5. This might totally blow your mind but I found 2 rumors for FE10. Ike was believe to be a royalty, kinda like Lyn from FE7. Who was born into a ruling family. However, that rumor was false because there's clearly no evidence to support the theory that he was what we called a noble. And it is due to the fact of his actions proves that he clearly dislikes nobility as well. Heather a rogue and Calill was believe to be blood-related. Simply put, Heather is supposebly Calill's sister. But that turned out to be false as well.
  6. I'd knew you'd took my advice and get this site update. lol
  7. I meant by most expert players that I know so far pretty much, but its quite true actually, I would only use Pre-promotes whenever I really care about my fund ratings though.
  8. ummm...could you try and make them sound like their hot? <_<
  9. And if I may recall, it also fits his characters and personality. You wouldn't want a mercenary leader to be a Ranger now can we? <_<
  10. I'm actually planning to get the game one it made its release in JP.
  11. Not necessarily, Pent is consider to be the most useful Pre-promotes amongst most expertises. Pre-promotes usually saves your fund ratings such as wasting a promotion items on your potential units. Also, Pent is able to surpass Erk by both average stat totals and the fact that he starts out with a A rank staff.
  12. Gerik makes for a better hero than any other potential Heroes throughout the FE's GBA, especially because of his defense growth which leads over that of Dieck's and Raven's. And as well as he has a solid Con of 15 as a Hero which is much higher than any potentials can ever have, which makes him better in using Axe. Simply put, Gerik is a god among god in the GBA series.
  13. Despite the lack of media's about this game, I'd hope this game is any good.
  14. I usually make Pent my main Sage anyways just because he saves you the trouble.
  15. I kinda need help of patching them. How exactly do you do that? And does that require a Japanese FE7 ROM to do so?
  16. Which reminds me, you really should get this site updated Vincent lol.
  17. Most people prefer to give the Afa's drop to Nino. I don't know why, I usually don't bother with her at all. Yes, shes really good and she would make a fine Sage at Lv. 20/20 but she joins extremely late and extremely under-leveled.
  18. =O...I can't believe I'm saying this but...you sir are my friend now.
  19. As already mentioned over at FE:SS I'd figure we should talk about it. I found the FE7 Prototypes were interesting especially as a prototype. Don't you guys agree?
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