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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Some people sees the Black Knight to be a what we call a in-game eye candy because of his sweet bonus that you can use or forget at your leisure. People seem to like the Black Knight because hes one of the coolest villian in the series. <_<
  2. After playing FE10 numerous times, I certainly jump to the conclusion that I do not like having the Black Knight as a playable character on my team for the last chapter of Pt. 1 at all to be honest. You only get to use him for in the second last chapter (with Micaiah) and the final chapter of part one where you should be more focusing on getting most your teams to their 2nd teir before getting anywhere into the game. The Black Knight doesn't really contribute anything in the gameplay other than using him as a meatshied but he's extremely overpowered to use in any circumstances considering he's in his Lv. 20/20 3rd teir and that he doesn't gain Exp. or anything out of this at all making him nothing but a biggest experience hog for your teams. Also, you don't get to use him later anyways. He only appears as a boss ready for Ike to finish where he left off. The only reason why he's playable is so that he can fulfill the games storyline, nothing more.
  3. Yes, especially when Fighters are carrying Swordreavers on Battle before Dawn. Jaffar and Zephiel would most likely die.
  4. Especially, when playing hard modes...yes.
  5. Its actually meant to challenge yourself. It demonstrates how well you do throughout the gameplay up until now. Now aiming for S/A rank on Hector's Hard Mode would be next to impossible for certain players. But hey, its a first step.
  6. But they're not all well know amongst anyone else. So its pretty pointless to have them as mascots.
  7. I would agree with The Fourth Fox on this one. Both Marth and Ike would be a good candidates for FE's mascots. They are afterall main characters in the game.
  8. Lets not get off topic now...I've been typing really fast that I've completely lost my thoughts =S Of course, the average says it all. But then again, they come late. Vika is far great but her timing on Pt. 3 is quite late...
  9. Yeah, but he wouldn't be much of a fighter even if he were to get into SSBB. Can't imagine what would it be like.
  10. They turn out average more than any other specific set. That's why it's called "averages". While it's unlike to have every single stat hit the exact average, chances are at least a few will most likely land, or it could even come close. And to answer your question: All characters aren't perfect. I'm only counting averages on this one. Characters are good by how their statistical are by averages. And the reason for the averages is so once again insure to prevent people having their complaint of the RNG screwovers amongst other players who have hard time in games. For instance, if someone had a horrific character on their playthrough that didn't cap anything by 20/20 this person would likely to blame him or her it that he or she sucks judging by his personal experience. I can't illaborate any further all I can say is that it will give you an idea of which stats will improve, and how frequently. I am now ending this conversation.
  11. I only like characters by averages nothing more. You can't really compare averages through personal experience thats for sure. And the chances of ever happening are none because again it never happens to other people not just debaters but everyone else. And can we end this conversation? This is getting off-topic...<_<
  12. The reason why its there is so to seek more challenges.
  13. As for Tails...he'd probably can't fight in SSBB...<_<
  14. I'm not saying whether if it were to happen again it still doesn't mean anything amongst other debaters...<_< Happening it once, twice or so regardless, is just your personal experience.
  15. Funds is important because that's how serious FE debaters judge the usefulness for everything by ranking. Say if two units are equally matched in stats and performance, then whichever won't hurt the rankings will be favored. For instance, Nino beats Pent in every offensive stat especially female sages have a higher Mag cap than that of the males by 2. However, using Nino will destroy your tactics rating because she requires A LOT of babying through Night of Farewells and Cog of Destiny. And it hurt your funds rating because she requires a Guiding Ring to promote, which Pent does not who so happens to saves you the opportunity from using the Guiding Ring. Funds rating was actually a huge deal when ranking the characters of FE7. Dart and Farina were both fine units, to be sure, but both destroyed your funds rating if you used them, so they were relegated to a lower tier in the end. If you only play casually without regard for ranking, I asume you probably don't care at all. But for those who like to consider the game on a more serious level tends to seek more challenges.
  16. Yes, if only he werent a Assist Trophy like Lyn I would definitely choose him over Sonic.
  17. Bane would take a much higher RNG in order to pull out that skill...which to me kinda like the GBA FE's Assassins skills OHKO/Silencer...<_
  18. But he won't do as much, seeing his 28 Str makes me want to cry...
  19. You wanna be specific with this topic next time. I did know what you guys were talking about until now. The hardest boss in SSBB to me would be Raquaza, he keeps digging and killing me...very cheap...
  20. you always should be worry about your fund ratings its so important amongst most FE debaters.
  21. Also, I havn't played FE1/2/3, is there any good antagonist?
  22. I wonder why a lot of people perfer giving the Afa's Drop to Nino, shes a waste of time. Plus, its better if you don't use it. It could take away your fund ratings.
  23. Well, yeah pretty much. You can call it whatever you want. Thats why I find them kinda handy in some occasions.
  24. Again, thats what I experience all the time. Which doesn't mean anything among other FE debaters which I bet most of them never really experienced it, so its pretty pointless to debate that. Thats why once again personal experience means nothing.
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