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About Laurent~

  • Birthday December 16


  • Member Title
    A logical result.

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Ooooo, new trims. Also, I've heard of a coupon for the boutique, now to find it...
  2. It's open right when you get there the first time, though it doesn't have thunder stones right away. Edit: I've actually got all 8 badges and it still doesn't have a thunder stone...
  3. only a little over 700 ;p lol. with the new exp share, it's going to be a lot easier for evolving at least. It's the getting the first of each evolution set that may end up being the hardest. before the bank is released I'm going to try to fill the whole kalos dex because that will make the whole thing easier. I'm glad they give false swipe too, lots easier to catch low level guys.
  4. So I've decided, I'm going to attempt to completely fill the Pokedex. Crazy, I know, but with help from others not necessarily impossible. So my plan is in a little while I'm going to post up a list of all the pokemon that I've seen that I don't have and whittle away at it, slowly filling up. Am I just crazy or do you think I should really attempt it? =p
  5. I'm quickly catching up to endgame, I was hoping there'd be plenty of endgame stuff. =x
  6. King Marth 64, Please put spoilers on your questions, particularly #2 For this one, what I understand (and worked for me) is you need to do a lot of things throughout the city including: Do the double battles in Cafe Nah, the Trio *And* Rotation battles at Cafe Yeah, do each job once at the Hotel. Other things that may need to be done: Listen to each painting description at the museum, talk to the older sister of Gym #1 and find out about the different alleyways in the city, go to various other cafes, stuff like that. When you do enough in the city they'll let you in.
  7. How could I have been so blind? Of Course that's all one needs to move up in rank!
  8. Lol, kk. I'll hop on when I can and see if you're there. Edit: I'll hop on right on the hour cause I know I'll have a better connection then...
  9. I'm actually at work atm *cough* could you in 2.5~ hours? And here's my FC if you don't have it yet: 1177-6959-9610
  10. Ok, that would work great. =) what would work best for you time wise?
  11. so basically let me hold it then I give it back so I can catalog it?
  12. So would anyone be willing to help complete my rococo set tomorrow? I've got the bed and couch, and can pay for the rest of the set.
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