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Everything posted by iavasechui

  1. Oh wow, I really like what you did with Erys ^_^ I would be very grateful for your help with this project. I want to stick more to fe7 colors, though I really like the hair color on the first sprite and that came from fe6 if I recall correctly... ^_^ Thank you very much for offering to help with this I do appreciate it.. Oh he's not posted because he's just a blatant recolor but one of my other planned characters is a priest who is currently just a recolor of Saul, but based on Saul I kinda wanted him to be a little older, more mature, NOT A FLIRT XD, more serious... um this probably isn't helpful at all, though he has black hair, light skin, and wears white robes with blue. Its okay to totally ignore that ^_^; ^_^ thank you very much he looks cool
  2. If I finished her in time could I enter my Elmina FC in this? Or do I have to make one that was started after the contest began.
  3. I wouldn't mind, ^_^; Might give me a better idea as to what you mean. Oh anyone have any ideas for some characters to splice to make some more guys? I seem to have waaaaay more ladies than guys XD Its just easier for me to see ways to mix and match ladies than it does for guys heh
  4. Well I'm a bit concerned that they look too much like the sprites they are made from. A couple of these are the very first splices I ever made.
  5. ^_^ you really think they are good? Thanks ^_^
  6. These are some splices I made for characters for the hack I'm working on. Any ideas on how to make them look well less like the characters they are spliced from would be welcome ^__^;
  7. These are some of the planned characters so far for the hack. Heh as you can probably tell I really need to make some more male characters XD Not everyone's class is set in stone so if you have a suggestion of any of their classes let me know ^_^
  8. ^_^ Same, I love how the hair ribbon looks in that one! ^_^; I like Strawman's too, she looks like a gerudo ^_^;
  9. XD Wow guess I picked a good set, so many entries
  10. XD awesome. the one I made earlier is Clay.
  11. Man it's the 21st already and still no third entry... C'mon people!!
  12. Yeah I know, I really need to get a new can of that spray stuff you use to dust computers and a new cooling pad -_- my last one broke sadly.
  13. Honestly I think there is something wrong with my laptop's fan, it overheats far to often... I have to pause youtube vids and let it cool down every few minutes or it will overheat and shut off.. T_T
  14. Oh I do now believe me XD after the first few times that happened I started saving compulsively every time I did something new.
  15. Awesome!! ^_^; the last one kinda scares me though. Do they have names? Also FEMALE MERC!!!! OMFG I love you forever!!!! XD Oh yeah anything I use will be credited.
  16. 0_0 Awesome!!!! ^_^ Could I use her when she's done?
  17. Ouch I HATE it when my computer overheats and I lose EVERYTHING! Thank god that at least when I'm writing openoffice can recover my work, but paint.net has no such feature I have lost a few splices that I really liked thanks to that T_T
  18. 0_0 thank you for that! Hopefully I'll be able to get the fe8 cleric and priest map sprites in now ^_^ Edit: got the priest standing animation working ^_^ now to get the moving animation working! Thanks so much for that tutorial!!!! Edit: Priest animation is in!!!! XD now to get it to have a class name and what not (I copied the class growths and stuff from FE8) Well now to give Ayame the fe8 cleric map sprite.
  19. Ah already using the cleric from FE8 for Ayame actually, though not the map sprite (have no idea how to get the map sprites in, which is annoying as I really wanted to use the male priest for one of my planned characters) though I'm not too happy with how the palettes for her and Isabel look at the moment -_-; I wanted to import Lilina's mage sprite as well but its animation glitched up something awful XP, Oh also imported female nomad and nomad trooper from FE6, forgot to mention that XD. XP yeah I really need to fix that map up so it doesn't tile spam so much.... and I would love you forever if you would put the map in for me XD, though I should probably try to make it less spammy first so you only have to do it once. Maps are probably the biggest thing I need help with honestly. As for the Elphin/Erk splice... well I was trying to make him look more exotic and mysterious, if that helps any ^_^; if it doesn't don't worry about him. Hmm the eyes don't match?He's pretty much a splice of this guy and Lloyd or was it Linus -_-, maybe its because the head is smaller... I'll need to look into that -_-; I honestly really need to start focusing on the main plotline, so far I've got small ideas for certain characters and I really need to start tying them together and deciding what I want to do with this. If anyone wants to help with brainstorming I'd love to talk with you through pm or instant messenger ^_^
  20. Well one of the planned characters is a blind seer, ^_^; the main thing I want to do with him though is make him look less like a splice of Elphin and Erk.... heh But you don't have to if you don't want to. The main thing I really need though are mugs for bosses, bandits in particular. Currently this is the only minor boss mug I've made, and he's still obviously wearing Linus' clothes XD
  21. ^_^; with the map I just need help getting it inserted, though I think I have some tile spam issues that I should try to fix first. Mugs would be AWESOME. ^_^ I do have several mugs that I'm planning on using for this if you want to see them.
  22. ^_^ If you could help me get the map working that would be fantastic. But yeah I wouldn't mind any help you had to offer, what did you have in mind?
  23. Okay this is my attempt at a hack, nothing to write home about but I'm working on it. Hopefully I'll get better at spriting so that I can make the characters look less like obvious splices ; I really want to change the prologue map, but even following the tutorial I found to the letter it refuses to change. If I can ever get it to work this is what the map is supposed to look like for the prologue. ; not the best but it is my first map. Currently I have imported the female myrmidon, cavalier, shaman, druid, and hero. I am using Eirika's beta animation for a placeholder for a female mercenary until I get something better. So far the only problem I'm having with the imported animations is that the female hero freezes if she uses a hand axe with the animations on. Ummm this is all I have at the moment ; New Screens! Female Merc sprite is thanks to Dr. Sholes Putting the vid here too The animations are not inserted in this because I changed the map and haven't got around to reinserting them yet.
  24. Personally I like the uniform looks of the spells ^_^
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