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Everything posted by gojirafan123

  1. I think PoR had an absolutely fantastic story. It was nothing groundbreaking but the writing and characters were made everything so enjoyable. I really liked that it was an FE game with a human antagonist instead of "Demon dragon god super being #347". And that human would be one of the most challenging bosses in FE history. It's like the Dark Souls rule of bosses; the more humanoid, the harder they are. Then Radiant Dawn came along. Don't get me wrong, I love Radiant Dawn almost as much as I do PoR, but its efforts fell really short. Playing as the losers of the previous game trying to salvage their lost country was an interesting and great story decision in my opinion. As was Part 2's short rebellion story. The whole "good country defeated bad country and everyone lived happily ever after" trope gets old, it was great to see some consequences of the good guys' actions. Unfortunately, from Part 3 onward, RD does the things I was glad PoR didn't. It makes this a game of man vs. gods. Besides this, the overall plot of RD felt all over the place and way too crammed at times. I think it would've been better if the story had been spread across 2 or 3 different games. Or at the very least give the Dawn Brigade their own game. Poor guys are fine units and characters but they don't get any time to develop as either because of how much they have to share the spotlight. tl;dr I give PoR's story a 9/10 and RD's a 6/10. As a whole the Tellius series gets an 8.5/10 from me.
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