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Everything posted by Wifi-Noob

  1. for the loli dragons, lolipops XD anything else...ICE CREAM
  2. is bored half time >_<

  3. wanna go for a battle right now? im bored XD

  4. im sorry >_< i wanted to get owned by his awesome maria of doom

  5. whos the guy on Wifi whos always kicking your butt? for me its this guy called Ninja_GF and his main team "i am an @$$" is kicking mine ;_; wherever he is on this forum i have to say congratz you broke my win-streak :(
  6. what time zone you in?im in Pacific time ?:)?

  7. well i only maxed the stats they needed really Def and they can max the others easy with clock-abuse and i dont have all the braves to abuse the warps very well but with my Wolf scouting i can abuse them fast. though i never see anyone else use them, prolly used them all to get through the chapters in 1 turn XD
  8. i fear your maria i wanna fight her to get over my fear :)?

  9. i dont have Fortify Staves right now :( Edit: nvm i only need 2 braves of each apparently so no i can snipe with Longbows :D
  10. dont know if someone said these but... the generic generals in part 4 can use all 3 weapons Male Halberdiers have a lower minimal cap for Weapon Rank then Females Rexbolt is the only attack in FE history to be able to attack someone up-front but doesnt focus on the Characters all the time(Bolting in the GBA games does this but cant attack up-front) Micaiah is the only FE lord to not be full human/beorc(FE4 doesnt count since Siglud/whatshisname were still full human) Edward is the only Myrmidon in the only Myrmidon to have 60% Str without items that boost Growth Rates Ike is the 1st FE lord to show his muscles without Fan-art(Hector had armor so you couldnt see his muscles i think) This game has the least archetypes This game doesnt give the 1st lord a unique legendary weapon (FE1-3 had the Falchion,FE4 had the Tyrfing, FE5 the Blagi Sword, FE6 the Sword of Seals and it goes on) And this game is the 1st American game to have leadership stars(after the insanity that was FE5 and whatshisnames 10 leadership stars UGGGGGH)
  11. CLOCK ABUSE-ING DONE!!! :D everything but Skill and Magic on some units were maxed since i wanted to max Srt/Spd/Def/Res 1st so my main team is "ARGH!!!!!": Judgement Merric-Sage All but Skill and Str maxed Sith~Powers(Thoron) Physic Warp Lena-Sage-might change later Like Merric FIRE(Bolganone) Warp Physic Recover Gordin-Sniper All but Mag and Skill maxed STOLEN(Brave Bow) Vulnerary(yes thats ALL he needs IMO) Navarre-Swordmaster Like Gordin CritOWNED(Killing Edge) Pure Water(like Gordin) Wolf-Horseman <<Snipe>>(Brave Bow) Silv. Sword Vulnerary not complete since i dont have Brave Swords for Wolf and Navarre and yes i arena abused my butt off :) P.S. im gonna change to best team :)
  12. yeah i mean when you fight a REAL noob then i would surrender and give them a card for cookies :P
  13. have they released the englished version/released the release date i really want to buy it ;_; i want to be the most awesome FE Char
  14. this guy is on my casual Wifi Team btw not my clocked abused one i havent finished my clocked abused team BUT my clocked abused is Merric lvl 13 maxed everything but Str but i have to max his lvl to avoid me being thought of a haxer :D
  15. i havent clocked abused yet but my best unit would be my: Sedgar 22 Str 1 Mag 30 Skill 26 Spd 6 Lck 22 Def and 2 Res :0
  16. an insane plan but maybe we could fight hax with hax? i have an Action Replay ONLY for playthroughs when im insanely bored HONEST and I was thinking of killing the hax noobs and help the REAL noobs :)
  17. hey i want to pass the time until i can buy the rest of the brave series(Sword,Ax,Lance) and until i finish my clock-abuse(if you dont want to battle my clock abuse team just tell me here) so my FC is 1033-6953-9109 :D FINISHED!!! my clock abused team has maxed stats BUT Skl mainly because i was focusing on Str/Spd/Def/Res now all i need is some Braves but im still able to battle and destroy the hax noobs :P
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