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Everything posted by CatManThree

  1. 27,316 is a shit number because it isn't 27,314
  2. I am bored, and since I didn't know what else to do, I made this. Just post pictures of the majestic kitties of the world! You might ask why such a thread exists. Well, the reason is because cats are beautiful and if you say otherwise then you need to shut up because kitties are the most amazing, beautiful, and adorable creatures on earth that of whom which have descended down from the heavens above and have granted us life as prosperity...
  3. If you watch anime, who is you favorite character of all time? By far, it has to be Krispy Kreme
  4. Do you have a cat? I will be very disappointed if the answer is no... FE 14's entire development...
  5. Far off into the distance, a cat meows the number 27310
  6. Nice! I am definitely going to try this out after I finish FE 4.
  7. I just realized Lonqu's portrait looks kinda like Camus's. Weird...

  8. I never really though of her Sakura supports that way. You make a very good point!
  9. I as well, don't like her very much. Although her S-support with Kamui in revelation (which I obtained for the irony) seams to be a reference to the female Robin and Chrom supports and was a bit laughable and disturbing at the same time.
  10. I like the original a lot better. It might just be nostalgia though.
  11. I have no idea why I am making this...
  12. I made my avatar a sniper and I literally got one-shots on EVERYTHING! It was absolutely nuts...
  13. I still have no regret for having this naruto profile image!

  14. Actually, in the roster within FE awakening, it is stated that Gerome wears the mask in order to distance himself from other people within the past. Although why he is shown wearing it within his own time in the manga and the future and future past dlc, I have no idea.
  15. Honestly the music as well as the fan remixes of the games is what keeps me coming back for each new installment. The feeling of both nostalgia and just overall epicness just really resonates with me.
  16. I almost forgot about he mewtwo theme from X and Y! The remix in that game is amazing and I love using it on battle spot.
  17. I personally really like the how Arceus battle theme of the is a remix radio signals from the Unown in gold and silver. It just adds something to it that makes both pokemon even more fascinating than before. I also REALLY the Reshiram/Zekrom theme, as well as the what oras did for Deoxys.
  18. As if it wasn't obvious already, Gerome seams to be somewhat inspired by Sirius from FE 3 and 12. But just how close are their similarities? Both the two of them's appearances and social interaction are very similar. Although spite their similarities, they both have different motivations, backgrounds, and roles in their respective games. Btw, I know Sirius is actually Camus. I am not That dumb.
  19. This place where if someone makes an outdated meme that is just terrible, it's still funny due to the sheer stupidity of it all. Whether the memes be ironic or not. THIS meme on the other hand is the meme of the gods. It has descended upon us from the heavens to bestow upon us a great new world of happiness and joy. Thankyou dear friend, for you have given us the greatest gift of them all.
  20. Oh yeah! If Sirius is used enough he can easily become and absolute monster! As long as he isn't benched for so often, he can help carry the game quite well.
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