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Everything posted by Aegyura

  1. Ehhh, I'm 17 but I doubt I have much more growin to do sadly :( I come from a genetically small family so I was fated to be short.
  2. After haphazardly completing a normal casual run of birthright, I want to explore the different ways it can be complete to how I did it. What I seek from you guys as a community is for your input on any character you like in regards to what skills he/she has, what class they are and who they marry, even the child's details if you so want to, hopefully your requests don't match up with what I used in my last run heh. If it's desired I'll keep this thread updated with how the requested characters are performing, if they're alive. Thanks in advance for contributing!
  3. Jeez I would like to run into you bc my friendship group is a bunch of giants. Eh, been low on the food chain of elitism before, but browsing through some boards I've seen there's zero sense of elitism here and its really great! Thank you all for your welcoming wishes.
  4. Hey there people of serenes forest, Im Aegyura and Im pretty new to the fire emblem franchise. Started with awakenings and enjoyed the infinite grinding of galeforce onto everyone and their kid eventually ending on a headcanon class and have actually tried a hard classic mode run but that hasnt made it past chapter 6 yet. Im not very good at the game yet :))). In fates Im on my way to completing a casual normal mode birthright run (I hope there's no stigma attached to the easiest difficulty) pairing units randomly. A little about me is that Im very short (5'6) and a film student in australia, so no connecting to NA/JP people in fates :( Been spending a lot of time playing overwatch between my other hobbies of soccer and smash (project m to be specific). Reading back on this introduction theres not really any cohesive structure to it all and a few grammatical errors but hey, I think that reflects me enough to fit my introduction :)
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