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  1. I of course accept when someone disagree with me. But see? Your post just justify what I said, look at yourself, you're obssesed in beating me in an internet discusion, your post says that you're just trying to say anything to disagree.
  2. Me and IOS fight in the same side, trying to show the utility of fume-shrooms, and IOS was right, if the thread owner used sunflowers in night levels then we better call a REAL experienced player to give rank to plants, and do I take you as a troll? Yes, because you're obssecioned with disagreed with me, I just want peace, that's what I don't need to give LONG explication in my posts.
  3. What?????????????? 6.5 for the Fume-shroom!!!!!!!? Fume-shrooms attack like 5 squares, all zombies and ignore screen-doors. There're plants that are used in survival endless (depending of strategy) and only cost 75. Please!You seem to concentrate more in the negative of plants than their positive side. If an awesome plant like they get 6.5 then I can't and won't imagine what will you put to other plants. Melon-pults attack like 2 squares in the damage group, Fume-shrooms only cost 75 (150 in day) and attack like 5 squares. Ignore the same zombies defence. Grave Busters... Really?Really?REALLY??? Only 4??? They erase graves, that might steal space for your plants. Especially in those 3-waves levels with like 11 graves, some graves steal space for your plants, and, by erasing a plant they can even give you zen garden plants, chocolate and diamonds! Diamonds!!! They aren't useful for anything else than night levels, but, why does that affect the plant? You're not forced to take them in EVERY level so, is that a great deal? The reason that I didn't talk about snow and repeater peas, puff and solar shrooms is because I agree with their score, I don't always do random trolling you see?
  4. Me?You say I don't see all aspects? I was trying to talk civilizated, but now you seem the troll, I gave all grave busters, hypno-shroom and fume-shrooms aspects, which it looks that I'm forced to copy & paste it to make sure the thread owner read it.
  5. Oh!nice! Flower pots are in the same hole, only usefull in roof, they don't attack or give sun or nothing. I want 2 of score for flower pots then! Everyone play night levels without grave busters and roof levels without flower pots!
  6. It doesn't have sense, you're not forced to take them with you for day levels, plants shouldn't be penalizated because of that.
  7. What?????????????? 6.5 for the Fume-shroom!!!!!!!? Fume-shrooms attack like 5 squares, all zombies and ignore screen-doors. There're plants that are used in survival endless (depending of strategy) and only cost 75. Please!You seem to concentrate more in the negative of plants than their positive side. If an awesome plant like they get 6.5 then I can't and won't imagine what will you put to other plants. Melon-pults attack like 2 squares in the damage group, Fume-shrooms only cost 75 (150 in day) and attack like 5 squares. Ignore the same zombies defence. Grave Busters... Really?Really?REALLY??? Only 4??? They erase graves, that might steal space for your plants. Especially in those 3-waves levels with like 11 graves, some graves steal space for your plants, and, by erasing a plant they can even give you zen garden plants, chocolate and diamonds! Diamonds!!! They aren't useful for anything else than night levels, but, why does that affect the plant? You're not forced to take them in EVERY level so, is that a great deal? Hypno-Shrooms Yep, they have been useless in some occasions by me but look the good side: They make foot-ball or bucked zombies fight for you if you know how and when to use them, they also hypnotize jack-in-the-box, and tall-nut zombies for zombotany. But look at the jack-in-the-box, IT'S A CHERRY BOMB FOR ONLY 75 SUN! FTW! Especially against gargantuars or survival endless. The reason that I didn't talk about snow and repeater peas, puff and solar shrooms is because I agree with their score, I don't always do random trolling you see?
  8. Ok, I thought you guys would be smarter than that, plants aren't suppose to have ranking, they're all needed, sunflowers give sun, potatoe mines and squah kill the first zombies for you to be able to build sunflowers faster, peashooters, used when the first mini-waves of zombies appear, wall nuts, due to their cost, are able to defend at the beggening, while the time pass, you will have more sun, to replace outclassed plants with betters to fight when the huge waves are starting, no plant is perfect, but with all the utilities they have they all work in group to defend your house from the zombies, I think this thread is spam, because I alredy explained why: the unification of the skills of all plants makes them possible to work in group to work properly and correctly. I was testing the people that replayed me, to see if someone could manage to get the conclusion I gived. Well, if you still want to make war with me, then your wasting your time, let's be like the plants, and have a great time like a group without fights and disscutions. :)
  9. If the need is vital why it doesn't have 10? Yes, zombies can crowd areas, cherry bombs are more expensive, but because they kill 3 lanes, jalapenos, only 1. And, 3x3 is enough, if zombies are everwhere and far from the cherry bomb, that means you're a noob or you'll die, easy. And fail, cherry bomb and jalapeno have the same cooldown time to wait.
  10. If sun flower can't have 10 because they don't attack, then, no plant can have 10, because attacker plants can't produce sun, and sun producers can't attack. Cherry bombs aren't outclassed, they attack 3x3, jalapenos a whole line, (9). Somethimes, cherry bombs kill more, sometimes, jalapenos do it. When I said survive with wall nuts, I meant using them as defence, zombies whould eat them fast, and jumper zombies jump them. 25 sun for a kill is good, potatoe mines allows you to plant sun flowers faster because they don't cost 100, and they work for the same: free a line for you at the begining, to build sun production fast. The cheat in this game is to think like the game producters: find how they use plants; peashooters and wall-nuts are the plants they give you before having mushrooms, catapults, more instant kill and tall-nuts. So that means outclassed plants such as peashooter and wall-nut shouldn't get their ranking too high.
  11. Sunflower, 9.5 9.5? Just because they don't attack? Ok, if sunflowers aren't perfect for you why you don't go play without sunflowers so zombies give you what you deserve! It's ridiculous! They give sun, without them you easily die!!! Why you don't go inside the game and attack zombies?Is not that easy! They deserve a 10! Peashooter, 8 8? They're trash!(well, cactus are worse) They aren't as cool as other plants to deserve an 8, use them on floor or night, so you will learn why they're useless! They deserve 6.5 or less! Cherry Bomb, 6.5 6.5? 6.5?!! Because they recharge slower? Not great deal at all! They're awesome! They equal with jalapenos, they can save your plants from total destruccion, and if you think they don't deserve more than 6.5, face a huge wave with giga-gargantuars, zombonies, etc. Jalapenos and Squashes can't do that alone, they need there thrid partner: the Cherry Bomb. They deserve aproximatly 8.5! Wall-nut, 8 8? They're as same as peashooters, only pawns. They're easily killed, and can be jumped by dolphins, pogo's, etc. If you think they deserve an 8! Survive a huge wave with them! Impossible, that's why plants are defeated in I, Zombie. They deserve aproximatly 6.5! Or less... Potato Mine, 6 6?6?!! Who don't like potatoes!Please! They are very usefull, the first zombie appear when it's fully charged, the same happens to the second, they allow you to plant sunflowers faster, sunflowers and potato mine are friend! And they only cost 25 sun! 25 sun for a massive damage! Game-break! They deserve 8 or more!
  12. Okay, so you did really make an account here... :/

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