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About Nesquik97

  • Birthday 07/27/1997

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  • Interests
    Video games, fantasy books, and Let's Plays

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being a little late!!!

  2. So I've decided to restart Awakening again, since the last time I kind of got tired of grinding with reeking boxes - so I've now bought all the DLCs, but instead of continuing my old file, I've decided to restart from the beginning. As for my pairings, I've been reading through this thread and have come up with a list, based on the tips you guys have given in this thread, with some changes. I was wondering what you guys think of them: Chrom x Olivia (Because great Owain and Lucy, and I went Sumia in the past and want something new) Lissa x MU (Because I want a physical Owain, I just can't bring it past myself to take away his sword-hand, and who's better at balance than MU?! I was thinking +Skill/-Luck, but not sure) Sully x Donnel (Basic pairing for her) Maribelle x Lon'qu (Because their supports are supposed to be quite nice and since Brady already has Luna and Galeforce, he can take Lon'qu, who doesn't give much) Sumia x Henry (Standard for her if not with Chrom) Cordelia x Vaike (Because I've read that this makes an interesting Severa, who might be a bit worse than Stahl, but not by much) Cherche x Stahl (Because good Gerome) Panne x Frederick (Yarne doesn't need much except mods, and that Frederick gives decently) Miriel x Gregor (VV for Laurent) Tharja x Gaius (Standard for her) Nowi x Kellam (I don't actually care for Nah that much, so for all I care she can be a single benchwarmer) Now, a few criterions that are unchangeable are physical!Owain and 2nd Gen Morgan, and another very important one is Maribelle x Lon'qu, but that could be changed if it messes up my team too much. So what do you guys think about it all? I was also wondering if somebody could explain some of the "theory-crafting" - as far as I know, you either want two units with GF and Luna, or a GF-Luna and a VV, except for Gerome and Yarne, who can go with a GF-Luna as well. But what classes are best for what roll, and what skills other than GF-Luna/VV+LB should I put on my units? I'm guessing -faires? Thanks a lot!
  3. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Happy Birthday!!!


  7. Does everyone have to make a pun? But thanks for bieng the first to comment on my page.

  8. Mmm, Nesquik. Delicious!

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