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Everything posted by Hyouden

  1. I don't find many of them either. I can understand why some wouldn't embrace newcomers to the series, but the new wave is doing more good than harm.
  2. Welcome to the forums! I speak absolutely no Italian, hopefully I can learn a little if you are a great teacher.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised. Awakening and Fates just threw this series into the popularity pool so fast that old heads like me are just shocked at how far the game has come. I know a few people who claim the new age fans just to be "weird anime lovers", but I enjoy that the game has become a bit more mainstream. Its funny, I remember a few years ago I used to say, "One of my favorite games is Fire Emblem" and people would just look at me and say "What's that?" Different times, my friend, different times.
  4. Welcome Bro, I'm glad you are enjoying yourself and found love for the series. I hope you take some time to appreciate some of the older games as well. They are great gems. As for starting casual, there is no stigma that follows that. I encourage people to play what they feel comfortable with. If you feel as if its too easy, increase the difficulty and vise versa. And side note, I love Overwatch.
  5. Welcome to the series and the forums! I would recommend going Normal for a first few runs and if you want to go back for a challenge, then up the difficulty. I feel like the game is a bit more enjoyable when its challenging, but the challenge isn't really necessary for everyone. Play what you love. Its your life, live it.
  6. First and foremost, Hail Serra. Secondly, welcome and I hope to see you spread the Blessings of Serra all over this forest.
  7. Hello everyone, I'm Hyouden and its a pleasure to become a part of your community. I've heard about Serene's Forest for awhile now, even read tons of threads that came from this site over the years, but never found myself becoming a part of the community. Well, today I've decided to change that and start a new journey with all of you guys. Now, lets get down to the real details. No, I am not new to the franchise. My first FE game was actually "Fire Emblem" for the Game Boy Advance, or FE7 for those who go by the numbers. It was the first time I've ever encountered the TRPG game style and I fell in love with it. I've played many titles since, including Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Binding Blade, Awakening and so forth. Currently, I'm getting my hands into Fates. You could say I am a veteran of the series, I just call it "loving this franchise". In closing, I hope to get to meet with many of you and hope to get to know more about you as well. I'm looking forward to contributing as best as I can.
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