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Rafiel's Aria

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About Rafiel's Aria

  • Birthday June 13


  • Member Title
    Freaking out is my "okay."

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  • Interests
    Literature, writing, horror, romance, mystery, music of all kinds, adventuring, traveling, cooking, language, doodling, RPing, drinking too much tea and coffee, listening to music at max volume, singing badly to said music, wearing oversized sweaters from the 80s, procrastinating, questioning my life choices, making lists, saying I'll do things that I never actually get around to doing...
  • Location
    Right Here

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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  1. You must really like Elemine.

    1. Rafiel's Aria

      Rafiel's Aria

      I do! Lucius is one of my fave characters, and Elimine always seemed like a pretty cool gal. I think I just fell in love with her art when it finally came out.

    2. Junkhead


      I sense lowkey LuciusxElemine.

      I like it.

    3. Rafiel's Aria

      Rafiel's Aria

      Probably not. XD It'd be odd for Lucius to crush on his goddess/saint.

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