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Everything posted by Blitzrick3

  1. Welcome to the SF! Hope you like it here. Come join us in the chat once in a while. We talk about all kinds of stuff there.
  2. The second one looks cool. The only problem I find in that one is a bit of the shadow from the forehead, nothing 2 bad.
  3. They're not bad, but they're not perfect either. The first one isn't that good, but the rest of them look good.
  4. I just discovered I have the same name as a "Tales of" character... huh

  5. If someone uses alchemy to get cat ears... does that mean somewhere, a cat will have human ears?

  6. Halloween's over... today is a sad day...

  7. Happy Halloween! May your blood be spilled, the undead be walking and your candy be plenty!

  8. I accept your challenge!... or I would if I had a 3DS... Sad too, I would like a good chalange
  9. We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood... fear the old blood...

  10. Oh my fluxing gods... The switch is on.

  11. Finally found Scarlet and the rest of my DS games.

  12. ºPandoras Tower is the best of the 3 Operation Rain Fall games (the others being Xenoblade and Last Story) ºRune Factory 3 is the best farming-simulating game EVER ºBloody Roar 2 is the best furry game for non-furries ºShin Megami Tensei is a better Monster game than Pokémon and Digimon, (plus, it started the monster capturing mechanic and monster "talk" mechanic)
  13. Finally finished the beta "crack" video. I'll upload it soon.

  14. My computer finally updated something about a fancier Windows 10. It took 2 hours...

  15. I couldn't watch DB evolved. It was so bad.

    1. Melissa


      DB Evolution, you mean?

  16. This hack is really fun. Elliwood is buff AF. Some sprites are weird like the hair colors or Sain's mouth, but those are just minor problems.
  17. I prefer using Gordin's brother or Norne. Gordin... just doesn't seem worth it to me.
  18. I wonder how many glasses of milk I can drink before I get sick?

    1. Das_Meme_Lord


      So much milk, so little time.

  19. Kinda wished the Robin maker also had expression. But here is my guy... and gall.
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