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Posts posted by мпд

  1. It's been a while since I last came here, but this post drew me back.

    Anarchy, at the level of the individual, is impossible now. There are just too many people for them not too be ruled by someone. Think of the popular what-if scenario, what if the government were totally destroyed in a nuclear strike? Think about it: If contact outside your city was cut, and the legal structure of governance was crippled, who is being pressed down the most in the current power structure and stands to gain the most in the coming vacuum? The biggest ones are the big ethnic-regional gangs, and after them other big centralized organizations that command lots of local loyalty. And there's the foundation from which a new governing authority will arise.

    Because there are too many people nowadays, that kind of depopulation scenario is the closest we could ever get to anarchy.

    I don't believe anarchy could really ever sustain itself, either, although I admit I'm not an expert on every political philosophy and I'm sure your particular brand of anarchy is very sustainable/the best possible thing for all the people of the world.


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