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Posts posted by Tuvy2

  1. Greetings! I come with new tales!

    So I have been playing Thracia 776 for a while now, and I love my main man Fred, so imagine my sheer joy when the man levels move TWICE!

    He's zipping around the map with that eleven movement, supercanto-ing away after proccing sol with the thunder sword.

    Man, I love Thracia so much.

  2. On 5/24/2019 at 6:57 PM, Joshii said:

    @Von Ithipathachai Yeah, why not? I'll add them to the list of characters.

    But I got to ask, who'll be the "christmas cavaliers"? Just a small question.

    Me and my brother would love to be the Bord and Cord!

    Tuvy2’s/My character:

    Character Name: Zander

     Character Class: Pirate, preferably more speed and skill based

    Tuvy’s character:

    Character Name: Cruz

    Character Class: Pirate, preferably more strength and hp based


    16 hours ago, Sire said:

    2A. This also calls into question who the antagonists will be. Will the bad guys be OCs, be Serenes Forest members, or classic Fire Emblem villains?


    I'd be down to be a major villain.

    You should also create a discord for whoever wants to help with the project, and/or be in it. If you need any help with sprites I could be of assistance, but in regards to actual game design, I'm not too good. I would also be available to help with the story, but I would want to hear your idea first.

  4. I played PoR a solid two years ago, but around the chapter, Astrid joins because I didn't enjoy the game all that much. Another reason I quit though, was because at level twenty my Ike had 11 strength, 13 def, 17 spd, 20 luck, 15 skill, and 8 res. He was awful. It also didn't help that one of my favorite characters, Makalov, also leveled terribly, despite his good growths. 

    I haven't touched PoR since, and I never intend to.

  5. Idk what you guys have experienced, but my Forsyth always turns out as one of my best units. Grinding in this game isn't an issue as it is encouraged through side quests and exploration, so it's not like the man is going to be a waste of exp. It's not really grinding, it's playing the game. In my opinion, Forsyth is actually the best out of all the armors, as he hits harder than Lucas, and Valbar has a whole ton of issues from the desert and his terrible speed. Mycen isn't any good on top of all this. Mycen has pretty okay bases, but his growths are bad and he has no room for any growth because of his join time.  Everyone has bad res unless you are a mage, healer, peg knight, or dread fighter, so his resistance is to be expected. He has low mov but that isn't a huge issue, warp exists, and he makes up for it with his stats and availability. I can understand how he isn't the best unit in the game in a tier based setting, however, I think there are far worse characters, and he gets a bad rep for no reason.

  6. 21 hours ago, indigoasis said:

    Endgame has been out for a decent while now, and I had thought of asking people who their favorite Marvel character is, whether it be from comics, shows, movies, games, etc. With that said, which Marvel character do you like the most?

    For me, Ghost Rider is easily my favorite, with Iron Man following a close second. I would absolutely love to see Ghost Rider in an MCU film sometime.

    If you're looking for a fix of ghost rider he's actually in the MCU canonical Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D! I think he's pretty well done in it. Spoilers for the show below btw.


    The show is also a great continuation of Coulson's storyline, as well as  technically putting the first female superhero with powers in the MCU.

    I could write an entire essay about why Spider-man, or really every Spider-Man iteration ever is my #1 superhero, but in terms of the MCU, despite Tom Holland doing wonders for the role, I would say either Thor or Ant-Man is my favorite character.

  7. 3 hours ago, SnakeMomMelissa said:

    Exact rules and mechanics will exist once actual signup thread exists, seems enough people are curious

    I am pretty strict about timing expectations tho, unless you've got important irl business going on (exam, project, meeting, hospital, family, etc. etc.) I see no reason for people to be unable to get on and at least check in (the group will likely be held on discord while things are written here on SF) and see how things are going. RP might be a hobby, but if you're lazy about it, that directly affects the enjoyment of everyone else in it. I'm not gonna let that slide.

    OKay, seems good to me! I would love to be a part of this!

  8. 2 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Marisha is Malliesia's localized name.

    Oh gotcha. I always thought her concept and execution was pretty hilarious, and I ship her with one of my fav boys and I didn’t want to disrespect my boy so I put her rather high. I never really thought she looked super young. I thought the grandma was exaggerating, in my mind she’s like 17-19.

  9. 1 minute ago, ~ Yuri ~ said:

    As I said, it's my opinion, I find her design attractive, but her character isn't as to me as I think it should be, her being a lord and all. It's also really annoying to see her getting a lot of love when really other well-written characters deserve it more, like Finn and Hanna. Again, just my opinion.


    I know, I wasn't being serious when I said that, just a joke as all. It was an alright list overall.


    Thanks man, even if you didn’t mean it I’m sure some fans would eventually find this topic, so I just said it when I could.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

    You're completely overlooking her character development, you dumbass


    Woah. Sorry, I know she has character development, but sadly by the time she develops it’s a little to late for me. I know it’s not going to be instant, however in a game where you individually use, level up, and grow to care for your units one that takes a while to not be incredibly flawed in a bad way isn’t cutting it. My opinion, I don’t hate her and I see that those who dive deep in her development and can see past her initial traits like her, but I can’t really myself. We disagree, but don’t swear at anyone for their opinions, it won’t end well.

  11. 1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

    okay that's a fair enough assessment that I disagree with but won't argue because of how subjective it is. I apologize if I was rather crude?(I dunno if that's the right word)in my prior post 

    No it's fine, I'm glad you explained your reason instead of just screeching. This is all subjective, it's personal taste, my main point of this topic was to open up the discussion of this kind of stuff.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I'm sorry but your logic here confuses me. Are you saying the simple fact that she is a tsundere is what makes you dislike her? cause I don't about you but that sounds very close minded if you ask me. Like so what if she's a tsundere? does detract from her overall writing quality? I don't think should because yeah it may be a recognizable but that doesn't mean it's inherently so... your logic just confuses me greatly. Like I can understand if you simply don't like the archetype cause that's a matter of just personal distaste. However what you're saying here is basically: "Oh yeah She's a decent character that I like but tsundere = bad so therefore she is bad" Like just because the archetype in general that has produced stinkers you don't like that doesn't make the entire archetype bad. Not saying we can't have a difference of opinion but I just you to explain yourself better.  

    Okay, I will. Her character is decent and makes some sense, however, I don't think how the character comes across via her dialogue and writing is that good. If you read about a character that was overshadowed by her mother and her love for a man other than her father and her bitterness stems from that then she's fine, but her dialogue comes off as somewhat annoying and confusing. This s from her tsundere type traits. She would be C, maybe even B tier, if her dialogue was written better because her overall character is well written and makes sense, but the way she acts and is portrayed through the game is pretty D tier worthy. Again, my opinion, I'm certain you and other people don't think her dialogue comes across this way. I'm glad you are listening to what I have to say, as I think your perspective is interesting and just as accurate as mine is.

  13. 4 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    *Sees Severa in D tier* you have committed a great sin with this tier list and the waifu gods will punish you severely for this transgression

    I see the appeal in her and I actually like her a bit, but the tsundere thing still wards me off like holy water to a demon.


    4 hours ago, ~ Yuri ~ said:

    And puts Lyn in F tier..



    As I said, it's my opinion, her design is attractive, but her character isn't as interesting to me as I think it should be, her being a lord and all. It's also just really annoying to see her getting a lot of love when really other well-written characters deserve it more, like Finn and Nanna. Again, just my opinion.

    3 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    Tharja in F tier yet Marisha is in A+. Peculiar taste you got there.

    She's an abusive mom, I can't really see past that. Also who's Marisha, there is no A+ tier. 


    2 hours ago, Gregster101 said:

    Patty in A- tier, I approve. I find Jill being in F tier disturbing however

    Eh, she's racist, and I'm not a fan of her design.

    3 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

    lmao, one of the Genealogy 2nd gen subs is in S-tier (and probably one of the absolute worst ones gameplay-wise, at that), I can already tell this thread is going places.

    Oboro and Lucina have been placed down, like, 5-7 tiers too low.  Mallesia is at least three tiers too high.  And- are you kidding, placing Setsuna that high???

    And I'm sorry, but you can't claim that Ninian and Sophia are children while simultaneously placing Tailtiu, Tine, and Silvia elsewhere on the list.  Nor will I let you get away with placing the Genealogy mid-boss clones in separate tiers.

    Will give you credit tho for repping awkward freckle girl Dorothy.  That said, I feel like you made this while drunk on the toilet.

    Daisy is more of an inside joke between me and my brother, and I like her design a whole lot. In reality, I think Nanna is best girl.

    Oboro has an interesting character, and I can see the appeal/well-written factor, same for Lucina, but I don't think either of them, especially Lucina, is really interesting immediately. I don't expect characters to pop out an automatically be full of personality or intrigue, but I have a big problem with characters that kind of require deep digging to understand. You should be able to enjoy a character without learning every fact about them. I don't think Lucina, in particular, does that, for me at least. And about the Setsuna thing, I don't think really any of the Fates cast is well written, so I really only like the completely out there joke ones, like Setsuna, plus her design is nice.

    Ya I was a bit all over the place while making this, as it took me around 6 days whenever I was not busy with homework/ general life stuff. I think my main reasoning for Sylvia, Tailtyu, and Tine, was that at some point in the first gen, as it takes place over a few solid years, they were 17-18, old enough to have a child and be married in that era. Not so much Tine though when I think about it, so looking back on that I would go back and change that. The bosses get pity points for breaking the mold.

    Ya, Dorothy represent.

    3 hours ago, ~ Yuri ~ said:

    Also, why is Meg in E tier? I've never, in my entire life, heard anyone say "Meg is best waifu!"

    I have, and those who have defended her to the ends of the Earth, also shes a good meme.

    1 hour ago, Icelerate said:

    Considering how you hate RD, I thought you'd put Micaiah low so seeing her in the middle makes me happy. 

    I've softened up to RD, those who made it did the best for what they were trying I guess. I respect those who like her, her design is nice and honestly I think she should 100% have been the main character over Ike.


    58 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    Got Men shouldn't be such a low tier, in my opinion. It's the writers acknowledging these women are highly sought after because of the great qualities they have. Like Mangs says in regards to Louise, her being married only confirms what he sees in her. And we've all been in a position where our flame is spoken for. I don't know if I'd extend such high praise to a woman that just has a mutual crush, like Mae and her boy toy Boey. Also Genny is a CHILD.

    Anyway I can't say I approve of most of these...terrible base stats. If I'm going to date some chick, she needs some high base stats. I don't do high maintenance girls.


    Oh, it's not a low tier really, If I could position it I would put it off to the side rather than at the bottom, I'm just not rating them because I'm no homewrecker. To be honest, most girls in that tier are actually some of the better ones, like Mae.

    And about Genny, 1. Ya 2. Ya would fix

    51 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Athos best girl confirmed! :P:

    Since this is an opinion piece (and a pretty terrible one, to boot), I'm going to shove this into Far from the Forest.  For now.

    Thanks for fixing that!

  14. A while ago I stumbled upon the great FE tier list maker. Since then I have been creating various meme tier lists and serious unit tier lists per FE games.

    However those have been made, so I decided to try and do something completely original, I ranked every female character.

    Now to say this is all completely correct and accurate to everybody is obviously false, as people have their own opinions. But these are mine, so please respect them and I'll respect yours. Some of the rankings are memey, but most are based on my experiences and thoughts.

    If anybody has any questions I would love to answer them, I love discussing characters and why I personally like them, so I will at any given chance.

    Post your own ratings of FE girls on this thread as well, I would love to see your own opinions!


    Screenshot 2019-05-07 at 9.40.14 PM.png

  15. I like pretty much every canon ship in FE. There is a reason for them, I don't think they should be disregarded. 

    I do like Atlas and Celica though.

    I also like the idea of Jesse and Silque in terms of echoes ships.

    I'm not super invested in any of the games that lets everyone get married to whoever, but I like Robin and Say'ri, Gaius and Mirabelle,  and Vaike and Sully.

    In terms of GBA and the like I enjoy Fiora and Eliwood, as well as Heath and Priscilla. For FE8 I love Gerik and Tethys, but not much else.

    But hands down my favorite couple is Fergus and Karin, they're the best. Giving second place as a tie between Raqueisis and Finn and Nanna and Leif.

  16. I gotta go Blue Lions for totally legitimate reasons named Sylvain.


    I mean look at this boy, he's great!

    But for real, I like Dimitri's design and description the most. I like the idea of a lot of good physical units rather than many mages, and I, in general, think Edelgard looks really boring.


  17. Echoes definitely takes the cake, Hidari's style and illustrations are amazing and work so well. The colors are amazing, and the animations are the most realistic and best out of the 3ds games. I think the snes games have the best in combat and map sprites, I just think they're classic and really well done, with the dark colors and critical animations being great. I think FE4, 5 and Echoes are the best in terms of unit design and overall look.

  18.  A Game of Thrones fire emblem idea has been popped around quite a bit, however, there are obviously a few issues, like the ever-changing alliances and the fact that only a handful of the characters would ever be in combat, assuming there would be combat as many episodes there aren't.

    Then it's deciding what classes everybody would be, Jon a lord-like one, Tormund a berserker or warrior reskinned, and The Hound obviously a reskinned hero, as he has wielded both a sword, axe, and hammer throughout the show, Beric maybe a Swordmaster(?), Arya maybe an infantry sword-lance class as in the new season she gets a lance-like weapon, Brienne would be a sword locked infantry class of some kind, Jamie would be maybe like a Jagen type character starting strong but with poor growth rates after he gets's his debuffs due to the thing, Theon would be maybe a sword-bow class, Jorah is a sword only class, but we've also seen him wielding dragon-glass daggers, and finally Grey Worm would be some sort of soldier class.

    • Lord (all main lords, including Elincia and Micaiah, but not including Fates royals)
      • Favorite: Leif
      • Runner-up: Eliwood
      • Least favorite: Lyn
    • Avatar
      • Favorite: Robin
      • Runner-up: Mark/Kris (Gameplay wise for Kris)
      • Least favorite: Corrin
    • Villager/Trainee/Noble
      • Favorite: Grey
      • Runner-up: Tobin/Atlas
      • Least favorite: Amelia
    • Cavalier
      • Favorite: Hicks
      • Runner-up: Finn
      • Least favorite: Peri
    • Knight
      • Favorite: Dalsin
      • Runner-up: Bols
      • Least favorite: Meg
    • Myrmidon/Samurai
      • Favorite: Navarre
      • Runner-up: Machyua
      • Least favorite: Hana
    • Mercenary
      • Favorite: Ogma
      • Runner-up: Jesse
      • Least favorite: Raven
    • Fighter/Oni Savage
      • Favorite: Dorcas
      • Runner-up: Lot
      • Least favorite: Rinkah
    • Pirate/Bandit
      • Favorite: Marty
      • Runner-up: Dart
      • Least favorite: None, if I have to choose then Gonzales
    • Soldier/Spear Fighter
      • Favorite: Forsyth
      • Runner-up: Lukas
      • Least favorite: Nephenee
    • Archer (also includes Ballistician and Apothecary)
      • Favorite: Python
      • Runner-up: Dorothy
      • Least favorite: Shinon
    • Nomad/Bow Knight
      • Favorite: Astrid
      • Runner-up: Robert
      • Least favorite: Sue
    • Mage/Diviner
      • Favorite: Hugh
      • Runner-up: Laurent
      • Least favorite: Lilina
    • Dark Mage/Shaman
      • Favorite: Knoll
      • Runner-up: Henry
      • Least Favorite: Sophia
    • Monk
      • Favorite: Artur
      • Runner-up: Lucius
      • Least favorite: Lucius (There are only two)
    • Priest/Cleric
      • Favorite: Rhys
      • Runner-up: Azama/Genny
      • Least favorite: Mist
    • Troubadour
      • Favorite: Nanna
      • Runner-up: Ethlyn
      • Least favorite: Clarine
    • Thief (includes rogues, ninjas, butlers, and maids)
      • Favorite: Lifis
      • Runner-up: Rickard
      • Least Favorite: Saizo
    • Pegasus Knight
      • Favorite: Karin
      • Runner-up: Fee
      • Least favorite: Clair
    • Wyvern Rider
      • Favorite: Heath
      • Runner-up: Cormag
      • Least favorite: Jill
    • Manakete (also includes Xane)
      • Favorite: Xane
      • Runner-up: Fae
      • Least favorite: Nowi
    • Beast/Laguz (Royal)
      • Favorite: Tibarn
      • Runner-up: Naesala
      • Least favorite: Nailah
    • Beast/Laguz (Non-Royal)
      • Favorite: Ulki
      • Runner-up: Mordecai
      • Least favorite: Volug
    • Dancer (includes Bards, Singers, and Herons)
      • Favorite: Tethys
      • Runner-up: Lara
      • Least favorite: Azura
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