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Replica Model

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About Replica Model

  • Birthday 04/14/1997


  • Member Title
    Overpowered you say?

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  • Interests
    Fire Emblem, Mario games, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Golden Sun, Tales of Series, Etrian Odyssey, The Legend of Heroes, Ys.... Some other things....
  • Location
    In the land of RPG's

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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    Magical Alisa


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  1. 31, 210 I don't think this game is ever going to end, even when Jesus comes. And he's coming soon.
  2. I would say, Casual/Classic is more of a play style while the harder difficulties shows your skill level, and thus you should get rewarded for being better at it and for taking up the harder challenge, right? Those who have should get more of.
  3. Yeah, I'm not sure how fast the market sells out for the FE for the japanese so it might be safe to just get it on the day of first being available.
  4. I'm just wondering if there will be anyone going to the Expo next year cause I'm going to be in Japan at that time. So instead of being the only foreigner there I thought I'd ask you guys to see if we can have a Serenes Forest get together. Would anyone be going?
  5. He's got SAND on his boots. Why does Anakin Skywalker dislike sand?
  6. Now, I'm not a hacker so I can't give you any pointers or any advice towards map making but I came across this video awhile back and I believe it should help you out. By the way, I wouldn't mind play testing for you so you can see it through the perspective of someone who doesn't know how to rom hack. And it doesn't hurt to go look up some Super Mario Maker level design tutorials as well, you might learn something about general level design even though it has nothing to with FE. Hope this helps.
  7. Yeah, that's true. I always wondered why there were so many Annas myself but since Awakening introduced the Outrealms I guess IS wanted to make Anna a crazy enough character to match the wacky personalities for Awakening that they went with her having infinite identical siblings that all want the same thing. Its pretty funny if you think about it, but I'm just throwing ideas out there. Hopefully FE Switch will bring back Jake and Aimee so we might know if they jumped through time and space just to make a buck. Now that sounds ridiculous enough for it to work doesn't it?
  8. I say they travel through the outrealms because I don't remember them ever saying something about having an innumerable amount of siblings like Anna. But I don't have any quotes to back that up.
  9. Been fine and all. Just trying to fit SF into my schedule again. Balzer, I believe it was you and Proto who were helping me out with tips and tricks for FE5 way back then. Though I still suck at the game to this day. Lol
  10. Dude, at least someone is back from the old days. I believe we spoken in the IP Chat room, when that thing existed, but I doubt you remember me because I've been demoted to a lurker for three+ years now. My old name used to be Big FE Fan if that rings a bell.
  11. What if it means that the one giving the compliment likes the design of the one wearing it but doesn't really mean much beyond that. Or maybe it's a pity compliment like when someone is having a crappy day and someone is trying to cheer the other person up by saying "I like your shirt" even though they may not like it. It's a compliment either way so I don't see it as a bad thing.
  12. I've got all 15 games complete in box (save for the inserts for a few of them) and the SOV, Fates, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions limited editions. My FE5 copy is the non digital nintendo power version as well, you know, the one that looks like a normal Super Famicom game. Does anyone have Tear Ring Saga and Berwick Saga physical? They're still technically FE games.
  13. It was tough choosing just 5, I can write out a list of characters if I wanted to - Ayra - we need some more FE4 representation, if not her then Shannon. - Tiltyu - personal bias, I find it cute that she follows Claude around and he's like, "Noooooo, stop following me... Get this little girl off of me Sigurd!" - Alvis - because we have Seliph. Make him a GHB character and Seliph get's his revenge. (Then again we need the Black Knight) - Lyon - I find it cool that we're getting Valter in the next GHB so how about some love for Lyon? - Joshua - That hat needs to get in! I think about we're lacking in axe fighters so why not have Dart, Fergus, Ross, Othin, Boyd, and Cord and Bord. And why not have Feena in? She's literally one of the few characters I want in from Archanaea.
  14. Yes, cause it sure seems like it. True, but I'm saying the remakes could be "the break" while the marriage system and the avatar could be in the Switch game. The remakes are here to appeal to the veterans and to those who haven't had the chance to play the old school Fire Emblem but with a fresh coat of paint. You mean two separate releases? Release FE7 first then comes FE6 a half a year later or something? Nice! Guess my prediction is semi-right so far. But I don't think they will announce it until around the Switch game's release so probably around E3 next year I'm guessing. @Shoblongoo I wouldn't say FE4 has miserable gameplay but yeah, half the game is you walking around getting from point A to point B to point C to point D. If we're looking at chapter 2's map, point C is at the top of the map where you recruit Beowolf, and then once the action is over you got to make the loooong trek around the forest area on the cliff backtracking to the castle with Lachesis and finally head east to the Dark Mage and the ballistae. That alone takes at least 15 turns of walking probably 20 for foot soldiers. So, I agree that these maps should be split up but maybe not in the GBA form like you said but rather like chapter 17 in Path of Radiance where you get rid of the hooligans in Serenes Forest in four different battles and which are four chapters length with dialogue in between the maps. That way you have that sense of progression and can save after every map. But in FE4, you can save at the beginning of every turn so if we're doing it POR style, how can we incorporate that into the remake then?
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