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Posts posted by Heruseus

  1. 1 hour ago, Ace Pelleas said:

    This seems far too big, I'd avise not doing so. If you plan on having each story follow a different army. Do AT MAX 4, if not the charcters will be too generic to be memorable, and even so I highly doubt the writing could fleash out 80 characters.

    Thanks for the advice, however, I'm going to go for it. This is my magnum opus. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Darrman said:

    If you do the maths, that would result in a grand total of 560 chapters. Radiant Dawn, the longest game in the franchise, doesn't even have a tenth of that. How exactly do you plan on going about this? However easy you think it may be, mark my words: this is a long, difficult road. It's not a quick five minute job in Feditor, or a simple stat tweak in Nightmare.

    Yeah. But like I said in my status, I want this to be a real FE game. I just want an outline and stuff.

  3. On 9/6/2017 at 7:45 PM, Florina's #1 Fan said:

    4 tiered classes sound like a lot of work. I guess this would be something:

    Serpent Rider- A knight riding on the back of a massive snake, uses bows to shoot down fliers.

    Serpent Master- A knight who has completely finished the taming of his serpent, uses bows and daggers.

    Hydra Tamer- A seasoned knight who has moved onto a more durable and unwilling mount, uses bows, daggers, and lances

    Hydra Overlord- A talented veteran who has tamed the untameable beast, uses bows, daggers, lances, and swords

    That sounds amazing. I'm definently usuing this. Thank you, I'll put you in the credits. 

  4. 13 hours ago, ranger016 said:

    Here are some classes I collected from various games.
    If you want ideas for classes, the Final Fantasy and Tactics Ogre series have some nice classes in them.

    [Spell Casters]

    Mage (anm)
    Shaman (drk)
    Monk (lgt)

    Sage (anm / sta)
    Druid (drk / sta)
    Bishop (lgt / sta)

    Archsage (anm / lgt / sta)
    Necromancer (drk / anm / sta)
    Sorcerer (lgt / drk / sta)

    Warlock (anm / lgt / drk / sta)


    Priest (sta)
    Cleric (sta)
    Troubadour (sta)

    High Priest (sta / lgt)
    Witch (sta / drk)
    Valkyrie (sta / anm)

    Summoner  (sta / lgt / anm)
    Illusionist (sta / drk / lgt)
    Holy Knight (sta / anm / drk)

    Elementalist (sta / anm / lgt / drk)


    Wyvern Rider (axe)
    Pegasus Knight (lnc)
    Eagle Knight (bow)

    Wyvern Knight (axe / lnc)
    Falcon knight (lnc / swd)
    Griffon Rider (bow / axe)

    Wyvern Lord (axe / lnc / swd)
    Phoenix Knight (lnc / swd / bow)
    Dragon Master (bow / axe / lnc)

    Dragoon (lnc / axe / bow / swd)

    [Mounted Units]

    Sword Cavalier (swd)
    Lance Cavalier (lnc)
    Axe Cavalier (axe)

    Peer (swd / lnc)
    Great Knight (lnc / axe)
    Gallant (axe / swd)

    Paladin (swd / lnc / axe)

    Grandmaster (swd / lnc / axe / bow)

    [Infantry - sword]

    Myrmidon (swd)
    Mercenary (swd)
    Thief (swd)

    Swordmaster (swd)
    Samurai (swd)
    Rogue (swd)

    Sword Saint (swd / lnc)
    Hero (swd / axe)
    Assassin (swd / bow)

    Champion (swd / lnc / axe / bow)

    [Infantry - lance]

    Von Ithipathachai's suggestion with a little change.

    Soldier (lnc)
    Armor Knight (lnc)
    Lancer (lnc)

    Sword Knight (lnc / swd)
    Bow Knight (lnc / Bow)
    Axe Knight (lnc / axe)

    *they get two weapons because of their low move*

    Sword General (lnc / swd / axe)
    Bow General (lnc / Bow / swd)
    Axe General (lnc / axe / bow)

    Grand Marshall (lnc / swd / axe / bow)

    [Infantry - axe]

    Villager (axe)

    Fighter (axe)
    Pirate (axe)
    Brigand (axe)

    Warrior (axe / bow)
    Berserker (axe)
    War Lord (axe / swd)

    Gladiator (axe / bow / lnc / swd)

    [Infantry - bow]

    Recruit (bow)

    Archer (bow)
    Hunter (bow)
    Nomad (bow)

    Sniper (bow)
    Ninja (bow / swd)
    Nomadic Trooper (bow / lnc)

    Ranger (bow / lnc / axe / swd)

    [Rider Classes]

    *here are some beasts if you want help*

    [tier - 1]
    Snake, Frog, Turtle, Tiger, Lion, Panther, Cat, Fox, Dog, Wolf, Bison, Elephant,
    Rhino, Monkey, Gorilla, Camel, Shark, Whale, Octopus

    [tier - 2]
    Mammoth, Dinosaurs, Ancient animals

    [tier - 3]
    Basilisk, Fairy, Goblin, Mermaid, Cockatrice, Cerberus, Gorgon, Giant

    [tier -4]

    ??? [maybe dragons?]

    Nice! I really like it when people give me a lot, so that if I don;t like one thing, I get multiple things to see and cherry pick. Thanks!

  5. 20 hours ago, JimmyBeans said:

    In some of my ideas screwing around with fexp/fan games I was thinking about making people that turned into baels (those giant spiders in fe8). And was planning on letting the player get one at some point on the team, they would be similar to the sub-humans from fe9-10, or wolfskins, kitsune, etc.

    I also thought it would be cool to have a best rider unit besides the horses the goes on the ground like a boar or something. Not sure if that's helpful or not, but I think it would be awesome to have some classes like that in Fe Esq game.

    I've been considering having others, but I already plan on usuing laguz, but maybe I should do something original, thanks for the idea!

  6. 56 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

    Eh, why not? I'll take a swing, but be warned, I go all out on this sort of thing. Just about everything's kind of tentative, and it's possible you already did something like this considering you're rocking over 100 Classes. The concept is the moral compass found in games like D&D - Lawful Neutral, Psychotic Evil, and the like(is it obvious I don't play D&D?) - using Good, Evil, Order, and Chaos as the points of the compass. Each Unit using the Tier 1 Class would in theory be able to access any one of the four Class Trees, but would have to find a way to return to the Tier 1 Class before trying a new path. I don't have any Skills or anything special designed for any of them right now, but I could probably whip something up if you want.

    Out of curiosity, if you use any suggestions from here, do we get credited for it in this fan game of yours? Not gonna lie, it would be cool to see our own names/Usernames in the credits of a game.

    Tier 1: AdventurerA simple traveler whose destiny remains in their own hands. Swords/Lances/Axes/Daggers.(whichever you happen to want to use or maybe select which one each Adventurer uses as you recruit them? I don't even know if you use Daggers as weapons in your game, actually, but whatever)

    Tier 2a: AcolyteA traveler who has begun their journey along the path of Light. Lances.

    Tier 3a: Light Fighter - One who has devoted themselves to the path of Light. Lances, Staves.

    Tier 4a: Templar - A warrior who has transcended darkness and truly embraced the Light. Lances, Light Magic, Staves.

    Tier 2b: InitiateA traveler who has taken their first step on the road to Darkness. Dark Magic.

    Tier 3b: Dark Fighter - One who has branched out further into the Darkness. Dark Magic, Axes.

    Tier 4b: DoomKnight - A warrior who has expelled all light from their heart in favor of the Darkness. Dark Magic, Axes, Anima Magic.

    Tier 2c: Monk - A traveler who has discovered inner peace through Order and harmony. Swords.

    Tier 3c: Peacekeeper - One who enjoys bringing Order and harmony into others' lives. Light Magic, Dark Magic.

    Tier 4c: Guardian of OrderA warrior who has sworn to uphold peace and Order for all their days. Swords, Light Magic, Dark Magic.

    Tier 2d: RebelA traveler who has decided that rules and peace are a thing of the past. Daggers.

    Tier 3d: InsurgentOne who finds satisfaction in bringing Chaos and confusion to all. Daggers, Bows.

    Tier 4d: Chaos Lord - A warrior who has let anarchy and Chaos claim their soul. Daggers, Bows, ?Chaos Magic?(if you're willing to make that a thing, otherwise I've got no third weapon idea for this one)

    I'll also probably edit in my own personal FE Classes I've made for my two OCs at some point, so look forward to that, I guess.

    This was actually really brilliant. I like it. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    I hope you've actually thought out how feasible such a huge project could possibly be.  You might have more chapters planned than there are in the whole series!  (Not counting remakes.)

    Yeah. 12 of the 14 acts follow different armies, each army with a max of 20 playable characters. Theres 240 unique playable characters. The 13th act is a grand finale and the 14th is a post game story

  8. 13 hours ago, LucarioGamer812 said:

    Then it be genealogy with a Elibe coat of paint I'd still buy it

    What if all other Fire Emblem games had the "waifu" features of Awakening/Fates while Awakening/Fates didn't have those mechanics? ~random thought, feel free to ignore~

    Then the fanbase would still have more weebs like me than hardcore strategy players. 


    What if we had a game where the lord was a beast? (Taguel, hawk, mankete, etc.)

  9. On 8/24/2017 at 5:28 PM, Emperor Hardin said:

    What if we got Medeus, making good on his words in FE3, as Awakening's villain instead of Grima?

    Loptyr!Julius replaces Grima as the final boss and takes over the Grimleal. The other villainous einherjars are also bosses, though Gaiden would feel left out as they don't have a villain to contribute.

    I still have a feeling older fans would hate Awakening. And to be honest, Grima is a great villian, so long as you complete Act 6 of Echoes: SoV


    What if we had a Fire Emblem game with a beast as a lord (tanguel, manakete, wolf, hawk, etc.)?

  10. 20 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    I might want to try and play it at some point...(like Valentina)


    What if there wasn't an over arcing timeline for the Fire Emblem games and they were all stand alone games with Easter eggs from others in the series?

    That would be nice.


    What if there was an FE:A anime?

  11. 3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    That would be...rather interesting and that would give people that haven't played a chance to play it.


    What if there were more child characters on Awakening's roster? (i.e Tiki, Anna, Say'ri, Flavia etc have children of their own and can marry someone other than Robin)

    It would fuel my completionist core.


    What if the next Echoes game was FE4?

  12. 17 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    Then Corrin could be considered a decent lord willing to make his decisions, it would make Conquest and Revelation stronger stories. A modern Marth.

    What if there was an Awakening sequel, what the plot would be?  

    It would either be a cash grab or the Future Past.


    What if we had a Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Switch port?




    (also for the record I meant to put "good" in quotes, but my keyboard freaked out)

  13. 6 hours ago, Hero_Lucina said:

    Then Say'ri wouldn't lose her brother and the world would be a much better place.

    What if Ke'ri (Lon'qu's childhood friend) didn't die?

    Lon'qu would lose a very important part of his character (his fear of women) and lose his charm. He'd be boring as hell.


    What if Sacred Stones was actually set in Elibe, but many centuries in the future?

  14. 4 hours ago, Akabon said:

    Try not to derail the thread, anon.

    What if there were 2 Robins? One male and one female.

    Right sorry. I just felt bad

    2 hours ago, Sage of Ylisse said:

    Well, There would be two Morgans around. There'd also be two Robins that could compliment eachother's weakpoints.

    Who else do you think Chrom could marry if his marriage pool was widened, Same goes for Sumia, Who do you think she could marry if her support pool was widened?

    I still think Sumia would marry Chrom and Chrom would still try to marry Robin. 


    What if there was a Fairy Tail x Fire Emblem crossover game?

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