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About yaboycorrin

  • Birthday 05/03/1996

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  • Location
    New York

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Fates: Revelation

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    Niles (Cipher)


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  1. I voted for Olivia, she's one of my favorite Awakening girls. I just adore her design, personality, and interactions with other characters ; v ;
  2. yaboycorrin


    Hello everyone! I apparently made an account here two years ago, but then did nothing with it so I'm back I guess? I've lurked the forums a bit, but figured I should get this out of the way- I only started playing Fire Emblem about 4 years ago when I was starting college. My first game was Awakening, I've also played Fates and Warriors. Hoping I can get into some of the older games too, and looking forward to the new FE switch game! If I'm not overcome by anxiety I might be around the forums. Have a great day!!
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