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Shadow Mir

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About Shadow Mir

  • Birthday 11/29/1988


  • Member Title
    The Princess lover who fell to darkness

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  • Interests
    Various RPGs, but mainly Atelier and Rune Factory
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    Who knows? I'm a world-hopper.

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Three Houses

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  1. Unfortunately, GBA supports require the characters to be adjacent to each other for multiple turns to build. And many of them require dozens of turns adjacent to each other just for one support, to the point you have to intentionally stall to pursue supports. As you would expect, it's easily my most hated aspect of the support system. Furthermore, you can only have 5 supports per unit.
  2. I see. I have seen people suggesting Roy's support list makes him decent, but personally, I am very skeptical of this, as less than half of his support options are particularly good units, and all of those are mounted units. Re: SD Marth: I'd say what makes him bad is him getting screwed over by the game's changes more than anything else. In the original games, weapon weight actually mattered, the weapon triangle didn't exist yet, not everyone could get a class upgrade, and stat caps were only 20. SD made weight mostly a non-factor, added the weapon triangle (to Marth's detriment, as axes are virtually nonexistent after the early chapters), made promotion nigh universal (the classes that are exceptions get an extra 10 levels; this doesn't help his case), and increased stat caps. Also of note, the game added the Wing Spear, which is the Rapier on steroids. On top of all this, Marth doesn't even do great against the final boss, especially on anything above Normal, as then it's highly likely (or guaranteed, on H2 or higher) he's getting doubled.
  3. Because I'm too lazy to make a new thread asking this... To anyone who actually has been in the community, what is the consensus on the worst lord in the series?? Is it still Roy??
  4. Like was said earlier, Nosferatu is also in Genealogy, and its mechanics make it insanely good. Namely, the part where you need a skill to follow up, which means without bad luck or an enemy that straight up one-shots you OR an enemy that does have the follow-up ability, you can hold on as long as it lasts. That's a stark contrast to Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance and Three Houses, where it's heavy to the point you're likely risking being doubled.
  5. The problem with both is that one cannot rely on them, as they're chance based. Also, Nosferatu became heavy to the point of not being worth using in Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones.
  6. Geez. Honestly, I cannot help but say auxiliary battles are a waste of time on Maddening. They just ain't profitable enough to justify wasting a weekend.
  7. There is a way to finish that map easily. Fly Corrin to the exit.
  8. Honestly, "mild" isn't one of the words I would use to describe Binding Blade difficulty wise. In fact, Binding Blade is the absolute bottom of the barrel map design wise and unit balance wise imho. Also, the arena is very risky. They aren't useless. Like was said earlier, they changed pair up to make it more balanced compared to Awakening. Since you played Blazing Blade... remember the Luna spell? Well, it got nerfed in Sacred Stones. Unhappy Reunion isn't one of those, though, so don't feel obligated to pursue Takumi.
  9. Should've stuck to just the three versions of Fates tbh. I call bullshit on it being the absolute bottom of the barrel in either one, let alone both. Especially map design. Unless you think spamming long, winding maps makes for good map design???
  10. Impregnable Wall is a thing. And it's extremely good. Like the turtle, Wind Caller attacks resistance. Also, get well away from the north and west sides of the map, as once he is attacked, be it by your units or the yellow team, extremely dangerous Wyvern Lords spawn there (however, they won't do anything if they cannot reach anyone). Miracle is a pain in the arse here, because of course it is. He has Giant Wings as a barrier ability iirc, so sword, lance and axe users are more likely to whiff. Saving Ashes and Dust for him is an excellent idea as it will break all his barriers in 2 uses (he's 3x3, so aim for the center). However, I would agree with saving it for his later lifebars. Also of note, he gets Darting Blow (+6 AS on initiative iirc), so be careful of that.
  11. I'm gonna warn you now - with the death of 3DS online, a lot of Fates's features became a lot harder to use. And they were already hard to make use of to begin with since they needed stuff that is tied to the passage of real time.
  12. That turtle attacks resistance iirc. Therefore, a mage that chugs Pure Water should shrug off his attacks. Also, his own resistance is garbage compared to his defense.
  13. Hopefully you get Chrom some levels, because without him, you very likely ain't beating the final boss... Just warning ahead of time.
  14. Like was said earlier, you gotta cross a certain part of the map first. Then they show up.
  15. Someone tried to argue Subaki can be a carry in Revelation. But that's something I have a lot of issues accepting, considering Corrin is practically forced to be the early carry in Revelation due to your lack of units (only themselves, Azura and Felicia/Jakob for most of chapter 7, and them plus Gunter for 8; sure, one could get Mozu immediately after chapter 7, but imho it ain't worth it. Also, many of those cannot take hits well). Is there any truth to this, or is this just hot air?
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