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The Crimson Swordmaster

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About The Crimson Swordmaster

  • Birthday 06/04/1993

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  • Interests
    video game design

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. i don't mean like a guard i mean at a bar, inn, minor restaurants...like those
  2. well he's going to fight because he needs a job because they fire the new guy -_- and he is always the new guy and he never gets paid out of it
  3. he's just that guy that does for good of mankind...if he had enough power he'd go and kill corrupt senators or mayors...but ya...he helps cause he knows that travelers like the group is made of is fighting for good
  4. well i'm not creative at all ok let me start all over no dark side idea he's a myrmidon like character not an assassin like character he's lazy but not the real lazy he cannot use magic he also is the guy that will cheer others up if he can final change:he can sometimes say the wrong thing ok here it goes Name:James Age:17 Race:Human Appearance:Brown hair with a grey leather shirt and pants Weapon:longsword magic:none Backstory:a man who trains with a sword trying to help the main party with their journey, hates waking up in the morning (what i kinda mean by lazy) other:he will eat a lot and he pays his own tabs
  5. well he acts like a common villager but he gets into trouble without weapons...trust me he isn't always on missions or fighting...plus well i guess we can go up to d rank magic spells in fe and c rank swords...i don't think that still solves much.....ok scratch the blade of elements idea and using magic it'll be an evil spawn of someone appears...guys fights as a myrmidon instead...and also putting in lazy helps as well and being a semi good tactician can be a great edit as well...avoiding the gary stu and op area
  6. well the sword also doesn't always work i forgot to put that in so one day the sword will just be a sword...also he had to train for years in order to use the sword....also well lets make it that the sword only will be used in those deadly situations or at near death without it and here is the threat level 1-4:no threat 5-8:minor threat 9-12:semi major threat 13-16:major threat 17-20:deadly threat oh and also he''s lazy at times and i mean LAZY
  7. Name:James Age:17 Race:Human Appearance:blond hair, simple leather shirt and pants Weapons:blade of elements (good side) (backstory will explain it) Magic (if applicable):all kinds (backstory will explain) Backstory:Coming from a mysterious land James makes himself an assassin in order to find a way to kill a dark side of him self. This dark side was released when he first entered the land and now he must use the blade of elements that only chooses one wielder to kill that dark spawn. A seal is placed on his back and that's where his magic comes from. He only uses certain amounts of magic depending on how bad the situation is if he cannot use the blade alone to kill the enemies. He works alone and almost has the tactician skill of Rutem. Though an assassin he has had countless times where he almost killed Prophet, General Zerral, and Lord Tahkysis without them knowing. The dark spawn of him always teleports him away and the dark spawn will get a description as well. Other:He somehow flirts with women when he never notices(at least he focuses on stopping evil) Name:Dark Spawn of James Age:????? Race:????? Appearance: like james but a minor tint of black Weapon: blade of elements (evil side) Magic: all Backstory:the evil spawn of James and has stopped assassinations of Prophet, General Zerral, and Lord Tahkysis. He also is the reason why there is an increase in dark forces. Other:He will show no mercy ally or foe. what do you think of this?
  8. i say seph1212,magenight404,markyjoe1990,camtech,thebladeofchaos,and McGrammer are good and also i'm thinking of a fe7 lp as well myself
  9. well I think of ideas but the animation and placing is not my thing...i can give out ideas some help...sadly some don't but other than that if you need a script i'll be free for hire
  10. Gasp, it's Navarre himself. Or are you going by Nabarl? :D Kidding, of course.

    Welcome to the forums!

  11. Hi there!

    Welcome to SF, enjoy your stay.

    Cool username by the way.

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