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Posts posted by Hasnbaakoajsbakaiaja

  1. 14 minutes ago, Kazuya said:

    "As a unit, he is fine.." Marcus is reallly good in 7 when need a back up paladin or you are having problems with a boss, but he isn't useful later on like a lot of pre-promos. 

    what makes him fall off in the end? FE7 enemies get easier as you go along. 

  2. Alright guys. I need your help. I am having a bit of a quarrel with some FE fans on discord on whether Marcus is a good unit or not in FE7. I have tried everything I could to convince them how amazing he is, I've showed them Mangs videos and still nothing. They think its just my opinion and I am in the minority. Can u guys tell me your take on Marcus as a unit? Please spread the word and VOTE! Thanks guys!

  3. What I think is that its among the worst games in the franchise. It has my 2nd least favorite cast in FE. I don't like the English VA's. Some stand out but most I don't like. I didn't like pair up or the way weapons worked. Despite me saying all those bad things about it its still FE and I don't mind playing it once in a while.

  4. On ‎7‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 9:43 PM, Slumber said:

    I won't argue the second part(I think compared to the game it followed, which seems to have a cast people LOVE, it has the stronger cast), but I really don't think any other story in the franchise can be picked apart like Fates'.

    The badness of Fates' story is so unique, even in the context of the franchise. Some games have boring stories(The Archanea games) or stories that go nowhere for dozens of hours(Sacred Stones), but nothing is flat out... baffling like Fates' story is.

    That said, I hate how the person in the link is presenting their gripes.

    I can never really tell which is more popular cast wise. I want to say Awakening but I don't know for sure.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Don’t hurt yourself if your high horse trips some day.

    OMG, people on Serenes are sooo mean.(thinking out loud) at least some on this thread exclusively.

  6. 2 minutes ago, NoirCore said:


    I'll admit that you've acted in ways that have bugged folks like me, but...well...I dunno how to put this, but there ARE still people who want you here, either for your art, for your funny behavior in favor of your "obsessions" (in quotes so as to not make you sound crazy), or just to chat. I mean, when you're in Freddy Bear mode, there's plenty of amusement coming from you. :P

    That being said, there are a few things I think you could improve on, from my observations, personally...

    Note: I may get sorta blunt here.

    1) Don't think that arguments with you are just a case of "changing your opinion". A few debates we had regarding Tiki's voice and Charlotte's inclusion usually had you respond in such a manner when what is challenged is not your opinion, but the logic that leads you to it. If you want, maybe you can just admit that you don't understand the logic, so you and your debating opponent should just leave it as a disagreement.

    2) Sometimes you come off as obnoxious in posts regarding characters or points made against you. Often, I see you using "lolwut" against things you find blasphemous, even when people back it up after that. The whole accent incident made it worse. There's also instances where you bash things when there's no point to it other than angering fans of that thing. You once responded to some Ike vs Lyn fanart by rooting for Ike to "kick her boring ass". (No one responded to you on that post, but still.) I get the "kick her ass" part, but did you need to throw "boring" in there? You make it sound like others that like her have bad taste. Didn't even throw in an "imo" like you usually do. I've also seen you praise Elincia while unnecessarily bashing Mia and Nephenee (characters with plenty of fans) when it will just do to praise Elincia. Don't get me wrong; there have been acceptable times where you've brought up those two you dislike because it contributes to the point of the conversation; just don't bash when there's no point.

    3) The whole joke tolerance thing, but I think that's been addressed.

    I hope I worded that as best I did so as to not draw ire. With all that said, I will say this so it's not just a post of "improve yourself": I KNOW you've been trying to improve. People say "you haven't learned", but compared to the past (back during my DarkGold days), you don't get into arguments as much, from what I've seen. That's some progress, and you should take that as a sign that you can keep improving, whether you stay or not. :)

    I applaud you. The way you speak is very (there isn't an OK hand sign so just imagine it here.


  7. 9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I never ignored that advice! I always tried to follow it as best as I could. If I have trouble doing that, that doesn't mean I'm ignoring it. I've reached out for help before too. A number of people have tried to help me.

    But then I guess that means I'm just a lost cause, because I feel like that's what you and some others would say next.

    Anyone I talk to on Skype and such always disappear from there. Same with Facebook. And I never hear from them again.

    I'll respond to your PMs, don't worry, Dcat. But I won't be posting on the forum for awhile. I'm sorry, and I really wanted to do that RP, but for now, it's on hold until further notice. I really am sorry.

    Geez. Sorry your getting so much backlash from people.

  8. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    So, I've been on this forum for several years, and met lots of cool people. This is one of the best sites I've ever been on, and not just because it's a Fire Emblem one. The people here are generally nice and helpful from what I've learned over my time here. Some even helped me to improve myself.

    But in light of some recent events, I would like to leave. I'm sorry, but right now this is how I feel. Apparently, I'm not wanted by multiple people here (see some recent posts in the unpopular FE opinions thread for some examples). I do think some of them blow my actions way out of proportion and twist things I've said, but I won't say I haven't caused trouble at all. I know I have at some points in the past, no matter how hard I tried not to. And there's no excuse for it.

    I don't need people anyway. I can't socialize very well, so what's the point? All I do now is just do my best to keep the friends I've already made and not bother to try getting anymore. It's not worth it. I don't need friendship. I'm better off and fine by myself.

    But I do appreciate those few friends I managed to get and hang onto, mainly peeps like Dragoncat, Arcanite, Randoman, Cerberus, and more. You guys are awesome and I'm thankful for you.

    Shoutouts to people like Shadowofchaos and Cerberus who helped me to better myself.

    And for the current PM conversations I have going on, I'll still reply to those, I just won't post on the forum anymore. This also means the After the Shadows RP is canceled, I'm afraid, unless someone else wishes to start it and keep it going. I don't really care.

    However, if people don't really want me to leave, speak now. My mind can be changed. I don't REALLY want to leave, I just feel like it might be the best course of action for me and others.

    Well, its not like I knew you that well. But I have seen you on forums and occasionally had short conversations with you. I am so sorry you feel this way and I will definitely miss seeing you post.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    I concur. Being able to deal damage is more important than being able to take a hit in FE7, which is where Sain's speed and strength come in. In some FEs, Lowen would be absolutely preferable to Sain. But for FE7, Sain's a better get.

    I do not think its a major gap between the two, though. Both I'd say are fairly worth using.

    Understandable. The peeps I was talking too just said that Lowen can get the job done and will contribute before Sain joins. Now what about CLarine and Cecilia?

  10. 3 minutes ago, Glaceon Sage said:

    I mean, I've never played without Lyn Hard mode.  So I don't think I can say for certain, but still Sain.  Lowen's growths just aren't what you want in FE7, what with 30 in Str and Spd.

    Wouldn't his bases help him out though? And I think he can still kill stuff in FE7 late game.

  11. Just now, Slumber said:

    The question isn't "Which unit is the most adequate at doing whatever job needs to be done" the question is "Who is the better unit?"

    Slayer being overkill doesn't somehow work against Artur.

    Good Point. I would also say Anima > Light, so until promotion I would say Lute is better and she will still be able to contribute as much as Artur will even with slayer.

  12. 1 hour ago, Slumber said:

    Clarine helps out a lot in the early game, and while Cecilia is usable, she's very squishy for a premmie.

    Sain. I love Lowen, I feel like a tank on a horse is a very valuable thing in most FEs, but Sain is better for FE7.

    Moulder is tanky, Natasha is not, which is very nice for a tank.

    Artur gets Slayer. He wins.

    Slayer isn't exactly necessary in FE8 though. Lute will kill just fine. Slayer is overkill.

    And does a healer really need to be tanky?

    2 hours ago, Glaceon Sage said:

    Cecilia vs Clarine: Clarine is the best of the early healers, and Cecilia joins in a desert chapter that severely hampers her movement.  Clarine can also dodgetank MUCH better than Cecilia can.

    Sain vs Lowen:  Sain easily, Lyn mode levels and Str is more important than Defenses in FE7.

    Moulder vs Natasha: Moulder, jointime advantage with more HP and starting closer to promotion and higher base staff rank.

    Artur vs Lute: ...In all honesty, I find them pretty interchangeable, though I guess Artur has Bishop access for Slayer.

    What would you say without Lyn Mode? Lowen or Sain?


    2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Why no Kent alongside Lowen and Sain?

    Well, this topic came from a discussion I had on the Reddit Discord Chat. I always thought Sain was better than Lowen, but a couple of others said Lowen is better without Lyn Mode. Which idk is true. The same couple also said Cecilia > Clarine and Artur > Lute. Which I completely disagreed with and wanted to see what other people thought.

  13. Hello everyone! I have really liked talking about statistics in FE recently so I thought of a new series for me. Unit Vs. Basically, I will put two units head to head and let the Serenes Community rate who is better overall. Please vote wisely and remember to put your reasoning so your vote below. I will choose a pair from each game.

    This is not a "which unit do you prefer using?" or "which unit was more useful for you?" Please choose your decision carefully.

  14. 2 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

    As of recently, Lucky Crit has caught my attention.

    It's more informational content than anything though. So if you're looking for LPs, they might not be your thing.

    Ghast Station is amazing and he's pretty much experiencing rapid growth of his channel. He just recently started LPing but he made quality content before that.

    My channel hasn't really been all that active. If you don't like short, silly random crap, then avoid me.

    I'm already subscribed to you lol.


    56 minutes ago, Altina said:

    Ghast Station does great analysis on stories and characters, and he has some pretty helpful guides there as well.

    Phoenixmaster has a lot of informational vids, especially for FE Heroes, and he has flawless playthrough vids for Fates and Echoes.

    Shadowofchaos his content is mostly funny memes, moments, and some other shitposting. ^^

    IDC_SAO is another great shitposter.

    I myself am subbed to all of the above.


    I am actually in one of this guys videos. In a Fates Wifi Battle, I think it was called Crit Baby or something like that. I was soooo happy when I beat him.

  15. 4 minutes ago, kylemccarley said:

    Hi everybody!

    My name's Kyle McCarley, and I'm the new voice of Alm. If you're familiar with my work as 9S in NieR: Automata, you may be aware of the fact that I streamed my playthrough of the game on my Twitch channel. Starting on Tuesday 5/30 at 7:00pm Pacific, I'll be doing the same thing with Shadows of Valentia. Hope to see some of you then!

    Thanks for doing this for me! 

  16. Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    It's just RNG. I think the deeper part of the Astral Temple (second set of DLC) has higher drop rates for the Shards? Also, there's a Water Dragon in the deeper part that seems to always drop a Shard.

    Will this come later down the line? Cause I played 4 dollars for this so far useless map.

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